Monday, May 27, 2013

NWCS PTA weekly communications 3/28/2013


1. 申请成为学校新董事会成员 Application deadline is April 25th
Donations of used Books and DVDs are needed
3. 免费财经讲座 Free financial seminars
4. Pacific NW Cultural Exchange Council presents大型交响音乐会
5. 家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty  
6. 日程表 For your calendar 

申请成为新董事会成员 Application deadline is April 25th 2013!
西 北中文学校董事会又到换届的时候了,这是家长参与决定学校的发展方向的好机会。我们中文学校能成为本地华人社区的一面旗帜,能给我们的孩子提供这样良好的 学习环境,全赖家长们的参与。学校的发展,在于大家的共同努力。为了我们孩子和学校的未来,只要你是西北中文学校中英文兼通的家长,请申请加入我们的董事会。如果你真觉得自己不合适当董事,请看看自己周围,谁合适?The Board of Directors of the NWCS has four openings for new directors.  It is your opportunity to help set the future course for the school.  If you are a Chinese-English bilingual parent in NWCS, please apply for becoming a new board member.
Steps for becoming a new board member:

1. Submit your resume by April 25th to
2. Answer several questions within 48 hours after you received them from CNE (Committee of Nomination and Election)
3. All candidates will be presented to the Board with their answers of the questionnaire.
4. All candidates will be voted silently at the AGMM (Annual General Members Meeting) in May, if CNE receives candidates more than the open positions. Candidates who get the highest votes at the AGMM will be elected.
More donation is needed for the NWCS Used Book Fair in April
我们计划在 427日和 54日举行下一次的二手图书和 DVD展销。如果您有不再需要的电影DVD和图书,可以在 330日和 46日把它捐给PTA desk。请只带来尚持完好状况的二手儿童,少儿和成人读物,游戏,电影。请不要捐杂志或玩具。如果您有时间为展销会服务,请和 联系。PTA is planning to hold 2nd Used Book Fair on Saturdays 4/27 and 5/4. So, start clearing out those shelves at home as you make room for new treasures! We accept used books in good condition, from picture books, to early reader, chapter books, and even grown-up books, puzzles, games and movies. Please no magazines, or toys. We will be accepting donations on 3/30 and 4/6 at the PTA desk. If you are available to help at the sale, please contact for more details.

免费财经讲座 Free financial seminars
免责声明所有参与投资理财演讲的家长,应考虑投资本身的风险性,斟酌决定自己投资的可能性。西北中文学校提供演讲的场地,核实主讲人公司和其公众演讲许可证明,对家长个人投资错误或演讲内容误差一概不负任何责任。Parents who participate financial planning seminars should evaluate his or her own risk tolerance level and possibility before doing any investments.  NWCS provides classrooms for presenters, review and confirm each presenter’s company and their approved public appearance. NWCS is not responsible for any individual investment loss or errors in presenter’s materials.

1.    如何打造专属的财务规划? 我们将总和这个学期所教的投资理财策略,并且带您一步一步从基础开始札实的打造自己专属的财务规划,下半堂则会开放听众提问,若您有任何有关金融方面的疑难杂症,我们都可以为您解惑。
主讲:Albert Chang
时间:March 30th from 11-12pm
地点:Room# 1201 (steps further from the PTA desk)
2.    家庭税务和教育资金 Family tax return and educational funding 一年一度的报税季节已经来了。税法是美国最繁杂的法律之一。你想知道怎么去file1040表,你想知道今年税法有什么新的改变,你想知道今年政府给了多少credit,填错的税表怎样去修正,该怎样拿回被多扣的social security taxMedicare tax?国内资产是否应该上报?是否应该给孩子开教育基金(529, education IRA) 账号?怎样给孩子申请教育基金?这是否影响孩子申请financial aid?该怎样去合理搭配孩子上学,退休,买房子的财务规划?投资,养老退休里面牵涉的税务问题?所有这些问题都会由专家给你解答。这个讲座在全美各州举办过多场,得到大家的普遍好评。
主讲:Dr. Xujie Zhang
时间:March 30th from 11-12:30pm
地点:Room# 1113
3.    如何报税,各种省税的途径,如何准备教育基金。读懂1040表,什么是AGIStandard/Itemized DeductionCapital Gain Tax,投资房交税,Schedule C,美国收入税历史和现状,有没有其它省税的途径?孩子教育基金能否省税,如何对省税,孩子教育基金,自己的退休计划,将来的遗产规划做整体有效的计划?
主讲:David Wong
时间:March 30th from 12-1pm
地点:Room# 1201 (steps further from the PTA desk)

Pacific NW Cultural Exchange Council presents 大型交响音乐会
An exciting fusion of Chinese folk melodies and American symphonic music! Instruments unique to China are featured, as well as traditional Western classical instruments. Performers are from China, Korea, Canada and the US.
Sunday April 21st, 7pm at Benaroya Hall in Seattle
Ticket sales: PTA desk or contact Austin at 360-224-4888 ask for NWCS discount 20% off by March 31st 

家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty
The next classes for parent-on-duty are as follows:
           Mar 30             AM - 8A;  PM - 6C

Each class will need 2 parents for safety patrol, and 2 parents for the gift certificate sales.  AM refers to classes starting at 9am, and PM refers to classes starting at 12noon.  Please inform the parents of the specific duties and procedures.

Safety patrol  Safety patrol parents 
must arrive before 8:45 for morning classes and before 11:45 for afternoon classes, and stay until about 30 minutes after classes begin.   The parents should get the safety patrol jackets from the principal's desk.  The duties include directing traffic  outside of the school building, and ensuring that students walk safely in the school premises.

Gift certificate sales  Gift certificate sales parents can get the gift certificates from the accountant, Ms. Xu Min at the admin desk.  Please remember to record the classes for which the certificates are purchases, because 
5% of the proceeds go to the respective class funds.  Morning parents should stay until 10:50, and afternoon parents should stay until 1:30.

Please take a look at the overall class duty calendar to know your class' scheduled date, and prepare to organize the parent duties about 2 weeks ahead of time. If you have any questions or your role has been transferred to other parents, please contact Minggang Li at:

日程表  For your calendar 

30 Free financial seminars
30 Donate Used Books/DVDs in good condition to PTA desk
30 Deadline of Pre-ordering CNY show DVD/Blu-Rays
06 Last LEGO Robotics class
13 No school – Spring break

Important links:
Click on this link Shop at! ONLY when you shop through this link, our school will earn 4-10% free money from Amazon.
Log your volunteer hours if your company pays for your volunteer hours

For previous PTA announcements, please visit

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