Friday, February 25, 2011

NWCS PTA Weekly Email 2/24/2011

PTA This week:

1.       “山歌好比春江水 民俗歌舞晚会 - NWCS 优惠票! 
去年新成立的西雅图歌舞团将于35日星期六举行首场演出(详情请看附件)。这场演出以“山歌好比春江水”为主题,不仅包括少数民族舞蹈,独唱,重唱,合唱,器乐等,而且还有著名歌剧刘三姐的许多精选片段表演,形式新颖不凡,对学生们将是一场中国传统文化艺术的熏陶。参加演出的有特邀艺术家及资深专业演员,也有本地业余文艺爱好者及演员(其中包括NWCS家长和教师)。为了感谢NWCS社区的支持,西雅图歌舞团将于本星期六(2/26)在NWCS设点出售优惠票,2:30PM下午场:NWCW教师及学生优惠票价仅为$5一张,和学生一起看节目的家长也只收$5一张。7PM晚场: 还有少部分票,价格每张为$5$15。欢迎大家踊跃购票!
演出地点为Northshore Performing Arts Center18125 92nd Ave. NE, Bothell, WA 98011)。咨询请电425-445-8885 or Email
 The newly established Seattle Ensemble of Song and Dance will make its first public performance on March 5, 2011. Please see the attachments (Chinese and English) for more information. Afternoon show (2:30pm) tickets are on sale this Saturday (2/26) at NWCS -only $5 for NWCS teachers, students and accompanying parents.  For inquiries please contact 425-445-8885 or Email
2.      学校网页增添了新内容    New Content on
 在主页的School Life栏目下, 我们放上了不久前2011春节联欢的照片(还在增加中), 暖场的视频, 艺术展得奖作品,等等. 欢迎大家欣赏春节演出的DVDPTA desk有售, $5一张.
Under “School Life” we have posted the pictures of our CNY event, the warm-up video before the show, and the pictures of NWCS Arts Contest Award winning pieces.  For the video recording of the CNY show, PTA has DVDs for sale for $5 per copy at PTA desk.
我们给春节活动的义工准备的小礼物还有一部分没有被领取. 请尚未领取的义工周六到PTA Desk来领.
We have some small gifts for the volunteers of our Chinese New Year event. Some of them are not picked up yet. For those who haven’t got them, please come to PTA desk to pick them up this coming Saturday.

3.      西滨网上新建立了一个西北中文学校的论坛

There’s a new web forum created at for NWCS.  Check it out via the above link.

4.  Parent-On-Duty:

This week (2/26/2011): AMclass 10A, PM: class 3C
Next time (3/05/2011): AM:  class 12A, PM: class 4C

5. 家长讲座    (PTA Seminars)

主题 (subject):         家庭教育講座系列
主讲 (speaker):       程远 教授
地点 (location):        #1112教室
时间 (time):             11:00 - 12:30pm

6NWCS Library-New Children’s DVDs are here! 
Come to our library and check out movies and TV series, including new Children's DVDs. We also have 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. Our library station is located next to the admin desk. The hours are from 9:30am to 12:30pm.  All proceeds go to NWCS PTA

7.   Prize Station:
      Open from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm. There will be new items this week.

8.   Gift Certificates Sale:  
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (Next to Library).



Thursday, February 24, 2011

NWCS PTA Weekly Email 2/17/2011

PTA this week:

1.      本周六放假, 无课.  NO SCHOOL this coming Saturday.

2.  “山歌好比春江水” 民俗歌舞晚会
去年新成立的西雅图歌舞团将以“山歌好比春江水”为主题,于201135日举行首场演出(详情请看附件)。这场演出以歌剧“刘三姐” 精选片段为主,形式新颖不凡。参加演出的有著名艺术家及资深专业演员,也有本地业余文艺爱好者及演员(其中包括我们中文学校的家长和教师)。希望得到您的支持!
演出分下午及晚间两场,地点为Northshore Performing Arts Center。现在7PM晚场票已基本售完。2:30PM下午场已开始售票,票价为$15(原价$20), $10(原价$15), NWCS学生票只售$5。咨询及购票请电425-445-8885, 206-388-2362 or Email

The newly established Seattle Ensemble of Song and Dance will make its first public performance on March 5, 2011.
Please see the attachments (Chinese and English) for more information. We have afternoon show (2:30pm) tickets on sell for $15, $10 and $5 (NWCS students). To order tickets please contact 425-445-8885, 206-388-2362 or Email
3.      我们给春节活动的义工准备的小礼物还有一部分没有被领取. 请尚未领取的义工下周六到PTA Desk来领.
We have some small gifts for the volunteers of our Chinese New Year event. Some of them are not picked up yet. For those who haven’t got them, please come to PTA desk to pick them up next Saturday.

4.      春节联欢会的演出录像我们已制作到光盘上. 有意索取的个人请给PTAemail订购. 每张我们收取$5工本费. 春节活动的照片我们近期会放到学校的网站上. 请留意.
We have the video recording of the CNY Show available for $5 a copy. Please send email to PTA if you would like to order. We’ll upload the pictures of our CNY event to our school web site shortly. Please keep an eye on the web site ( )

5.      学校附近的晶晶超市( )本周六正式开业. 我们已与其达成协议, 从下周起我们会在原有大华和百佳的礼券基础上, 增加晶晶的礼券销售. 其购买使用办法与前两者一致.
The JingJing Asian Market near our school will have its grand opening on this coming Saturday. We have reached agreement with them to sell gift certificates for them at our school starting next Saturday,  in addition to the Ranch 99 and Bai Jia certificates we have been selling. The way to purchase and use the certificates is the same as the other two.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

NWCS PTA Weekly Email 2/3/2011

1. 春节联欢活动通知:Chinese New Year Celebration Event Info:
1).      春节联欢演出所有门票均已售出。演出当日门口不会售票。这里向未能如愿购买到票的人们致歉。3:30pm以后的游艺活动不收票。大家可以届时前往。
We are completely sold-out on performance tickets. There will be no tickets available at the door on the show day. The gaming activities after the performance are free and you can go enjoy them after 3:30pm.

2).      因为所有座位均已卖出,剧场会完全坐满。任何一个空座位即意味着有一个人没有找到座位。鉴于此,请:
a.      提前到达剧场。我们会在1左右开始清场,随即开门请大家入场。1:30pm演出准时开始。开始后再入场会有找座困难。
b.      请大家请大家尽量挨着坐而不留空位,先来者往中间坐,予后来者找位的方便。
c.      并请看完整场,避免提前离席而影响整体的演出。

We expect a full-theatre as all tickets have been sold. This means every empty seat maps to a person that can’t find a seat. Please:
a.      Arrive ahead of time. We will clear-out the theatre at 1pm and open the door shortly after. The show will starts at 1:30pm on time.
b.      P please try to sit next to each other and avoid “pockets” in seats.
c.      Please stay for the entire show and avoid leaving early.

3).     演出剧场禁止食物及水。请不要携带该类物品。
Food and drinks are not allowed in the theatre or the hallway. Please don’t bring such things when you come.

4).      演出入场时凭票可以得到一个抽奖的票。请观看时保留。
You will get a raffle ticket at the door of the show. Please keep it for the lucky draw during the show.

5).      有关游艺活动信息,请看附件。
Please see attachment for game activities info.

6).      有关活动地址及开车路线,见附件。
Please see attachment for address and directions.

2.  Parent-On-Duty:

This week (2/05/2011): AMclass 2E, PM: class 2C
Next time (2/12/2011): AM:  class 6B, PM: class 2D

3. 家长活动讲座    (PTA Seminars)

主題: 房地產投資& 趨勢
主講: Shelly Hu -  房產專家
地點: 大廳
時間: 9:30am - 10:30am
主題: 家庭教育講座系列
主講: 程远 教授
地點: #1101教室
時間: 11:00 - 12:00pm
主題: 家在哪里,哪里就好
主講: 刘红星教授 地點: #1112教室
時間: 11:00 - 12:00pm
Visiting scholar, Professor Liu Hong Xing from Yunnan University of Finance will present the natural beauty of Yunnan and the survey of Yunnan ethnic culture / tradition.  See the attached brief introduction of Professor Liu Hong Xing.

4NWCS Library

Please come and check out movies and TV series, including Children's materials. We also have 
英汉双解中文字典 for sale. Our library station is located next to the admin desk. The hours are from 9:30am to 12:30pm.  All proceeds go to NWCS PTA

5.   Prize Station: There will be NO prize station this week.

6.   Gift Certificates Sale:  
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (Next to Library). Please don’t forget to come and get the certificates for your Chinese New Year shopping.

