Sunday, December 30, 2012



谢谢大家一年来的 辛勤努力,我们西北中文学校又顺利的完成了一年的教学和发展,同时也展望新年给我们带来更多的欣喜。我们西北中文学校能成为众多中文学校中的翘楚,除了学 校领导、管理团队、和老师的努力以外,就因为融合了各位家长对学校运作的参与和建言。前几星期,学校发了一个调查问卷,征求大家对学校现行运作、更是对以 后发展的意见和建议。如果你尚未送回你的调查卷,请按这里把它完成。每位的答案都重要,因为,西北中文学校是我们自己的。

P.S. Click on this link Shop at! ONLY when you shop through this link, our school will earn 4-10% free money from Amazon.

Dear Parents and Teachers,

The holiday season has arrived!  We will not have class for the next 2 weeks.  School will resume on Jan 5.  We wish you a happy, relaxing, and safe vacation.

With everybody hard work, the NWCS has completed another successful year.  With the arrival of the new year, we look forward to another rewarding year.  Besides the excellent efforts of the leadership and faculty of the School, the participation and contribution from parents is one major reason that the NWCS can stand out among the numerous Chinese schools.  A few weeks ago, the school leadership sent out a questionnaire to assess the opinion from our families regard the current school operations, and, more importantly, the future direction of our school.  If you have not completed the survey, please click here to finish it.  Everyone's opinion is important, because NWCS is our own.

Happy Holidays!

P.S. Click on this link Shop at! ONLY when you shop through this link, our school will earn 4-10% free money from Amazon.
PTA本周提要 –  Last school Saturday of 2012

家庭教育真谛Parenting seminar
2. 春节晚会审查日Deadline of CNY audition. Share your best fun NWCS pictures with us!
3. 本周财经讲座 Sponsored financial seminars
5. 家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty
6. 关于接送学生时交通的一些注意事项Follow traffic rules during drop off and pick up
7. 日程表 For your calendar

家庭教育真谛座谈How do parents know what we want from our children is the right decision for their lives? How can we educate our children to do the right thing even when it is not popular or no one is watching?

The combination of leadership, team player, and academic skills is needed in whatever we do. Dr. Jody McVittie, MD will speak to us about her real life experience how she has transformed herself and inspired her children to make their own decision to be their best. She will provide parents useful tools on how to motivate their children and connect with them internally to help them grow into a “whole” child who enjoy their personal and professional lives.
Date: Jan 12th 2013
Room: 1113
Time: 11am – 1pm
Fees: $10 (reduced rate with PTA sponsorship)
Registration: at PTA desk
First come first serve for the first 30 parents (Now 20 seats left!)
Dr. Jody McVittie MD is a Co-founder and Executive Director of Sound Discipline, a Seattle-based organization dedicated to teaching people to do the right thing – even when no one is looking. They give seminars to local school parents, teach tools we all can use to motivate and connect with our children. Dr. McVittie is also the mother of three young adults who have studied in Penn University and Stanford and been some of her best teachers.  
春晚节目审查日是周六1215 Onsite or video audition is this Sat Dec. 15th
we are still in need of volunteers. Please let us know if you would like to help by registering at our New Year Celebration volunteering site. We are also looking for great fun pictures of KIDS @ NWCS for our CNY brochures and our website design. If you have 1-2 top ones, please share with us.
本周财经讲座 Sponsored financial seminars
免责声明: 所有参与投资理财演讲的家长,应考虑投资本身的风险性,斟酌决定自己投资的可能性。西北中文学校提供演讲的场地,核实主讲人公司和其公众演讲许可证明,对家长个人投资错误或演讲内容误差一概不负任何责任。Parents who participated financial planning seminars should evaluate his or her own risk tolerance level and possibility before doing any investments.  NWCS provides classrooms for presenters, review and confirm each presenter’s company and their approved public appearance. NWCS is not responsible for any individual investment loss or errors in presenter’s materials.
1.  菁英退计划实战篇 我们首先将复习线图的运用方法,同时与大家分析,从现在开始做好最好的准备,利用各种不同的金融工具,提供退休所需要的现金流,同时保护我们401k及各种退休账户的投资。内容精彩丰富,我们同时提供点心饮料。
主讲:Albert Chang
时间:Dec 15th from 11-12pm
教室:1201 (steps further from PTA desk)
2.  家庭个人投资理财规划 普通家庭个人怎样学会投资才能做到早投资早受。许多人开始考虑投资到金融市场,怎样才是正确的做法。是否需要给孩子存教育基金,哪一种最适合您的家庭。买房贷款应怎样搭配首付跟选择多少年还清。怎样去准备自己的退休金。
主讲: Jay Xujie Zhang
时间:    Dec 15th from 11:00-12:30pm
地点:    1113
3.    如何获得有保障的终身退休金 是社会安全福利?还是公司的PENSION?还有其他选择么?本讲座让您了解获取有保障的终身退休金的几种选择。
主讲: Jamie Gu
时间: Dec 15th from 12 - 1pm
教室: 1103
家长值勤安排Reminder: Class PTA Lead meeting is this Sat, room 1201
The next classes for parent-on-duty are as follows:
            Dec 15                AM - 8E;  PM - KD
coming up:
Jan 05             AM - KA;  PM - Pre-C

Each class will need 2 parents for safety patrol, and 2 parents for the gift certificate sales.  AM refers to classes starting at 9am, and PM refers to classes starting at 12noon.  Please inform the parents of the specific duties and procedures.

Safety patrol  Safety patrol parents
must arrive before 8:45 for morning classes and before 11:45 for afternoon classes, and stay until about 30 minutes after classes begin.   The parents should get the safety patrol jackets from the principal's desk.  The duties include directing traffic  outside of the school building, and ensuring that students walk safely in the school premises.

Gift certificate sales  Gift certificate sales parents can get the gift certificates from the accountant, Ms. Xu Min at the admin desk.  Please remember to record the classes for which the certificates are purchases, because
5% of the proceeds go to the respective class funds.  Morning parents should stay until 10:50, and afternoon parents should stay until 1:30.

Please take a look at the overall class duty calendar to know your class' scheduled date, and prepare to organize the parent duties about 2 weeks ahead of time. If you have any questions or your role has been transferred to other parents, please contact Minggang Li at 
关于接送学生时交通的一些注意事项 Follow traffic rules during drop off and pick up
我 们送孩子上学和接孩子下课,都希望顺利到达学校和离开。由于我们学生多,大家都知道接送高峰期在学校周围车辆很多,加上不算宽的道路,车辆流通不很顺畅。 我们请各位家长在接送孩子的时侯,从为人为己的角度出发,遵守交通规则,服从学校管理人员和值勤家长的指挥,不违法停车,不仿碍别人的车过往,让我们的交 通保持流畅。这样做也是给孩子们做个好的表率,因为他们将来的驾驶习惯就是从观察我们开始。
When we take our children to school or pick them up after class, we all hope to be able arrive and leave smoothly.  Due to the large number of students, we all experience tight traffic around the school during peak drop off and pick up periods.  We would like to remind parents to observe traffic rules, to follow the directions of school personnel and parents on duty, not to park illegally, and not to obstruct traffic, to keep smooth flowing traffic.  Let us be good role models for the children, because their future driving habits start with observing their parents driving.
日程表  For your calendar
15 春节晚会节目审查日 Onsite or video audition of registered CNY class programs
22 No School
29 No School
05 School resumes
12 Parenting seminar
26 Last school day of Fall Semester
03 春节联欢会演出 Chinese New Year show time
09 First school day of Spring Semester
Important links:
Click on this link Shop at! ONLY when you shop through this link, our school will earn 4-10% free money from Amazon.
Log your volunteer hours if your company pays for your volunteer hours

For previous PTA announcements, please visit

春节晚会报名及审查截止日期Deadline of CNY registration and audition
2. 家庭教育真谛Parenting seminar
3. 本周财经讲座 Sponsored financial seminars
5. 家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty
6. 日程表 For your calendar

Registration ends this Sat; Onsite or video audition is next Sat Dec. 15th
we are still in need of volunteers. Please let us know if you would like to help by registering at our New Year Celebration volunteering site. 
家庭教育真谛座谈How do parents know what we want from our children is the right decision for their lives? How can we educate our children to do the right thing even when it is not popular or no one is watching?

The combination of leadership, team player, and academic skills is needed in whatever we do. Dr. Jody McVittie, MD will speak to us about her real life experience how she has transformed herself and inspired her children to make their own decision to be their best. She will provide parents useful tools on how to motivate their children and connect with them internally to help them grow into a “whole” child who enjoy their personal and professional lives.
Date: Jan 12th 2013
Room: 1113
Time: 11am – 1pm
Fees: $10 (reduced rate with PTA sponsorship)
Registration: starts this Sat at PTA desk
First come first serve for the first 30 parents!
Dr. Jody McVittie MD is a Co-founder and Executive Director of Sound Discipline, a Seattle-based organization dedicated to teaching people to do the right thing – even when no one is looking. They give seminars to local school parents, teach tools we all can use to motivate and connect with our children. Dr. McVittie is also the mother of three young adults who have studied in Penn University and Stanford and been some of her best teachers.  
本周财经讲座 Sponsored financial seminars
免责声明: 所有参与投资理财演讲的家长,应考虑投资本身的风险性,斟酌决定自己投资的可能性。西北中文学校提供演讲的场地,核实主讲人公司和其公众演讲许可证明,对家长个人投资错误或演讲内容误差一概不负任何责任。Parents who participated financial planning seminars should evaluate his or her own risk tolerance level and possibility before doing any investments.  NWCS provides classrooms for presenters, review and confirm each presenter’s company and their approved public appearance. NWCS is not responsible for any individual investment loss or errors in presenter’s materials.
1.    菁英退休计划策略篇 我们将分享如何利计算出您退休所需要的资金如何从现在开始做好最好的准备,利用各种不同的金融工具提供退休所需要的现金流,同时保护我们401kIRA的投资。内容精彩丰富,我们同时提供点心饮料。
主讲:Albert Chang
时间:Dec 8th from 11-12pm
教室:1201 (steps further from PTA desk)
2.    如何获得有保障的终身退休金 是社会安全福利?还是公司的PENSION?还有其他选择么?本讲座让您了解获取有保障的终身退休金的几种选择。
主讲: Jamie Gu
时间: Dec 8th from 11-12 & 12 - 1pm
教室: 1103
家长值勤安排Reminder: Class PTA Lead meeting is this Sat, room 1201
The next classes for parent-on-duty are as follows:
            Dec. 8    AM - 7E;  PM - KC
coming up:
            Dec. 15  AM - 8E;  PM - KD

Each class will need 2 parents for safety patrol, and 2 parents for the gift certificate sales.  AM refers to classes starting at 9am, and PM refers to classes starting at 12noon.  Please inform the parents of the specific duties and procedures.

Safety patrol  Safety patrol parents
must arrive before 8:45 for morning classes and before 11:45 for afternoon classes, and stay until about 30 minutes after classes begin.   The parents should get the safety patrol jackets from the principal's desk.  The duties include directing traffic  outside of the school building, and ensuring that students walk safely in the school premises.

Gift certificate sales  Gift certificate sales parents can get the gift certificates from the accountant, Ms. Xu Min at the admin desk.  Please remember to record the classes for which the certificates are purchases, because
5% of the proceeds go to the respective class funds.  Morning parents should stay until 10:50, and afternoon parents should stay until 1:30.

Please take a look at the overall class duty calendar to know your class' scheduled date, and prepare to organize the parent duties about 2 weeks ahead of time. 
If you have any questions or your role has been transferred to other parents, please contact Minggang Li at 
日程表  For your calendar
08 春节晚会节目报名截止 Chinese New Year show registration ends
15 春节晚会节目审查日 Onsite or video audition of registered programs
22 No School
29 No School
05 School resumes
12 Parenting seminar
26 Last school day of Fall Semester
03 春节联欢会演出 Chinese New Year show time
09 First school day of Spring Semester
Important links:
Click on this link Shop at! ONLY when you shop through this link, our school will earn 4-10% free money from Amazon.
Log your volunteer hours if your company pays for your volunteer hours

For previous PTA announcements, please visit

春节晚会报名及节目审查截止日期CNY show registration and audition deadline
2. Parenting coaching workshop registration
3. Fundraising opportunities via shop at Amazon!
4. 本周财经讲座 Sponsored financial seminars
5. 家长值勤安排
6. 日程表 For your calendar

Contact your class PTA Lead for details
Registration ends next Sat Dec 8th; Onsite or video audition ends on Dec. 15th.
我们的春节晚会将于201323日下午2:30Bothell High SchoolNorthshore Performing Arts Center举行。我们邀请所有有兴趣参加演出的老师,同学,家长们把自己最好的节目准备好,参加12月的节目报名和预审;我们需要大量的义工做晚会后勤,请到我们的春晚义工网站报名,还有请我们中文学校大家庭的所有成员把23日在日历上标好,共襄我们的晚会盛举。
报名详情请问你们各班的PTA Lead.
This year's Spring Festival celebration performance will be held at 2:30pm on Feb. 3, 2013, at the Northshore Performing Arts Center at Bothell High School.  We invite all interested teachers, students, and parents to have their performance prepared for registration and audition in December; we need many volunteers to support the performance by registering at our New Year Celebration volunteering site.  Everyone in our NWCS family please mark the calendar for Feb. 3.  We look forward to having everyone in making this performance a success.
Contact your class PTA Lead for registration details.
Parenting coaching workshop by Dr. McVittie
Parenting with Courage and Connection

As parents we all have hopes and dreams for our children. We want them to be successful and happy in their lives as adults. We hope that we’ll continue to have rich and warm connections with them as they grow into adulthood and as we age ourselves.  Dr. Jody McVittie, MD will speak to us about how we can inspire our children to do their best, while inviting the sense of internal motivation that will help them grow into adults that enjoy their personal and professional lives.
Date: Sat. Jan 12th 2013
Room: 1113 (for 30 parents)
Time: 2 hours from 11am – 1pm
Fees: $20 (cash or check)
Registration: starts this Sat at PTA desk
Dr. Jody McVittie MD is Co-founder and Executive Director of Sound Discipline, a Seattle-based organization dedicated to teaching people to do the right thing – even when no one is looking.  Sound Discipline works with local schools, educators, youth outreach programs and parenting educators to teach the tools we can all use to foster dignity, respect and equity in our communities. Dr. McVittie is also the mother of three young adults who have been some of her best teachers.  

Raise money for our school while holiday shopping!
If you do any of your shopping on Amazon don't forget to use this link Shop at! ONLY shopping through this link will allow our school to earn up to 10% from Amazon (except cell phones and wireless services). The link is always at the bottom of the weekly PTA email. Please also consider forwarding the link to grandparents and friends that may be shopping on Amazon. Every purchase counts!

本周财经讲座 Sponsored financial seminars
免责声明: 所有参与投资理财演讲的家长,应考虑投资本身的风险性,斟酌决定自己投资的可能性。西北中文学校提供演讲的场地,核实主讲人公司和其公众演讲许可证明,对家长个人投资错误或演讲内容误差一概不负任何责任。Parents who participated financial planning seminars should evaluate his or her own risk tolerance level and possibility before doing any investments.  NWCS provides classrooms for presenters, review and confirm each presenter’s company and their approved public appearance. NWCS is not responsible for any individual investment loss or errors in presenter’s materials.
1.  股海秘传~~股市技术图线研讨 我们将分享如何利用技术图线分析股票市场,我们也会与大家分享如何利用各种不同的技术指标趋吉避凶,对于股市的周期性我们友会深入探讨,并与大家分享如何利用各种金融工具保护我们的投资,再参与市场的同时,可以保护我们的资产,内容精彩丰富,我们同时提供点心饮料。
主讲:Albert Chang
时间:Dec 1st from 11-12pm
2.      诚爱,助您美梦成真 如何为孩子积攒学费,如何买房更划算,如何合理免税,如何不为退休担忧,如何让您的钱再生钱?诚爱投资理财顾问团,愿用我们的真诚和爱心为您选择最适合您的财务计划。我们拥有(CAORWA)西海岸最佳专业人士组合.
时间: Dec 1st from 12-1pm
教室:1201 (steps further from the PTA desk)
家长值勤安排Reminder: Class PTA Lead meeting is this Sat, room 1201
The next classes for parent-on-duty are as follows:
            Dec.  1    AM - 7A;  PM -8 C
coming up:
            Dec.  8    AM - 7E;  PM - KC

Each class will need 2 parents for safety patrol, and 2 parents for the gift certificate sales.  AM refers to classes starting at 9am, and PM refers to classes starting at 12noon.  Please inform the parents of the specific duties and procedures.

Safety patrol  Safety patrol parents
must arrive before 8:45 for morning classes and before 11:45 for afternoon classes, and stay until about 30 minutes after classes begin.   The parents should get the safety patrol jackets from the principal's desk.  The duties include directing traffic  outside of the school building, and ensuring that students walk safely in the school premises.

Gift certificate sales  Gift certificate sales parents can get the gift certificates from the accountant, Ms. Xu Min at the admin desk.  Please remember to record the classes for which the certificates are purchases, because
5% of the proceeds go to the respective class funds.  Morning parents should stay until 10:50, and afternoon parents should stay until 1:30.

Please take a look at the overall class duty calendar to know your class' scheduled date, and prepare to organize the parent duties about 2 weeks ahead of time. 
If you have any questions or your role has been transferred to other parents, please contact Minggang Li at 

日程表  For your calendar
01 PTA Lead meeting;  财经讲座 Financial seminars
08 春节晚会节目报名截止 Chinese New Year show registration ends
15 春节晚会节目审查日 Onsite or video audition of registered class program
22 No School
29 No School
12 Parenting coaching workshop
26 Last school day of Fall Semester
03 春节联欢会演出 Chinese New Year show time
09 First school day of Spring Semester

Click on this link Shop at! ONLY shopping through this link will allow our school to earn up to 10% from Amazon.
Log your volunteer hours if your company pays for your volunteer hours

For previous PTA announcements, please visit

春节晚会预告 Chinese New Year show timeline
2. Last PTA Book fair is on this Saturday!
3. 本周财经讲座 Sponsored financial seminars
4. Raise money while you ice skate in Bellevue downtown park
4. 家长值勤安排
5. 日程表 For your calendar

       春晚节目报名截止日是128 Contact your class PTA Lead for details
-      registration ends on Dec 8th.
春节是华夏儿女最重要的节日,是我们弘扬中华文化,承先启后的季节。我们的春节晚会将于201323日下午2:30Bothell High SchoolNorthshore Performing Arts Center举行。庆祝新年的同时,也是我们中文学校全体成员展示我们的才艺和教学成果的一个窗口。我们邀请所有有兴趣参加演出的老师,同学,家长们把自己最好的节目准备好,参加12月的节目报名和预审;请有意参与晚会服务的义工们把时间安排好,到我们的春晚义工网站报名,还有请我们中文学校大家庭的所有成员把23日在日历上标好,共襄我们的晚会盛举。

请大家留意晚会各项准备活动的后续通知。报名详情请问你们各班的PTA Lead.

The Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) is the most important holiday in our Chinese heritage, a season to celebrate our culture.  This year's Spring Festival celebration performance will be held at 2:30pm on Feb. 3, 2013, at the Northshore Performing Arts Center at Bothell High School.  The celebration performance is also a window for everyone in Northwest Chinese School to showcase our talents and cultural learning.  We invite all interested teachers, students, and parents to have their performance prepared for registration and audition in December, volunteers to reserve the time at our New Year Celebration volunteering site, and everyone in our NWCS family to mark the calendar for Feb. 3.  We look forward to having everyone in making this performance a success.

Please watch for announcements for the preparation and other issues regarding the performance. For program registration, contact your class PTA Lead for details.

         Last PTA book fair
We had a great response to our first book fair two weeks ago. PTA will hold one more  Used Books and DVD fair this Saturday Nov. 17 from 9:30am to 1pm, near the admin and PTA desk area. This will be our last book fair this semester. 
We will bring in additional collections. There will be used books, DVD movies and TV series, including children's materials, at the fair. Each used item will be priced for $1 to $3 only. We will also have the popular 英汉双解中文字典 for sale (new, at $11 each). All proceeds go to NWCS PTA.

       本周财经讲座 Sponsored financial seminars
免责声明: 所有参与投资理财演讲的家长,应考虑投资本身的风险性,斟酌决定自己投资的可能性。西北中文学校提供演讲的场地,核实主讲人公司和其公众演讲许可证明,对家长个人投资错误或演讲内容误差一概不负任何责任。Parents who participated financial planning seminars should evaluate his or her own risk tolerance level and possibility before doing any investments.  NWCS provides classrooms for presenters, review and confirm each presenter’s company and their approved public appearance. NWCS is not responsible for any individual investment loss or errors in presenter’s materials.
·         诚爱,助您美梦成真  如何为孩子积攒学费,如何买房更划算,如何合理免税,如何不为退休担忧,如何让您的钱再生钱?诚爱投资理财顾问团,愿用我们的真诚和爱心为您选择最适合您的财务计划。我们拥有(CAORWA)西海岸最佳专业人士组合.
时间: Nov 17th from 11-12pm
教室:1201 (steps further from the Admin desk)

Raise money while you ice skate in Bellevue Downtown Park
-      Make it a class gathering! 
Enjoy some holiday ice skating and raise money for NWCS PTA – and learn how to skate! Visit the Chaplins Bellevue Volkswagen Ice Arena brought to you by Bank of America at Bellevue Downtown Park between November 23 – December 18, 2012 or January 7 – 13, 2013, mention you are with Northwest Chinese School to the cashier and a $3 donation will be made to NWCS PTA for each paid $10 rink admission (includes skate rentals).
Interested in learning how to skate? Visit the ice arena on these Wednesdays: 
Nov 28, Dec 5 & 12, Jan 9 between 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. and learn how to skate from the pros! Castle Ice Arena instructors will be on-site to give complimentary skating lessons when you buy a normal $10 rink admission.

The next classes for parent-on-duty are as follows:

            Nov. 17    AM -
6A;  PM - 6C

coming up:
            Dec.   1    AM - 7A;  PM - 8C

Each class will need 2 parents for safety patrol, and 2 parents for the gift certificate sales.  AM refers to classes starting at 9am, and PM refers to classes starting at 12noon.  Please inform the parents of the specific duties and procedures.

Safety patrol  Safety patrol parents
must arrive before 8:45 for morning classes and before 11:45 for afternoon classes, and stay until about 30 minutes after classes begin.   The parents should get the safety patrol jackets from the principal's desk.  The duties include directing traffic  outside of the school building, and ensuring that students walk safely in the school premises.

Gift certificate sales  Gift certificate sales parents can get the gift certificates from the accountant, Ms. Xu Min at the admin desk.  Please remember to record the classes for which the certificates are purchases, because
5% of the proceeds go to the respective class funds.  Morning parents should stay until 10:50, and afternoon parents should stay until 1:30.

Please take a look at the overall class duty calendar to know your class' scheduled date, and prepare to organize the parent duties about 2 weeks ahead of time. 
If you have any questions or your role has been transferred to other parents, please contact Minggang Li at 

日程表  For your calendar
11/17 财经讲座 Financial seminars
11/17 Used Books and DVD fair
11/24 No school (Thanksgiving)
12/08 Registration ends for the Chinese New Year show class program
12/15 Audition of the class program video and some in school if specified
02/03/13 春节晚会  Chinese New Year show time
Here is the link to log volunteer hours if your company pays for your volunteer hours.

For previous PTA weekly announcements, please visit <>


春节晚会预告 Chinese New Year Celebration Performance
2. PTA Book fair is on this Saturday!
3. 本周财经讲座 Sponsored financial seminars
4. 家长值勤安排
5. 活动日程  Upcoming events

       要春晚节目光彩夺目,定开始挖掘新人新艺 Shine your class talents at the NWCS Chinese New Year show



The Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) is the most important holiday in our Chinese heritage, a season to celebrate our culture.  This year's Spring Festival celebration performance will be held on Feb. 3, 2013.  The celebration performance is also a window for everyone in Northwest Chinese School to showcase our talents and cultural learning.  We invite all interested teachers, students, and parents to have their performance prepared, volunteers to reserve the time, and everyone in our NWCS family to mark the calendar for Feb. 3.  We look forward to having everyone in making this performance a success.

Please watch for announcements for the preparation and other issues regarding the performance.

         PTA book fair
NWCS PTA will hold Used Books and DVD fair this Saturdays Nov. 3 from 10am to 1pm and Saturday Nov. 17 from 9:30am to 1pm, near the admin and PTA desk area.

There will be used books, DVD movies and TV series, including children's materials, at the fair. Each used item will be priced for $1 to $2 only. We will also have the popular 英汉双解中文字典 for sale (new, at $11 each). All proceeds go to NWCS PTA.

       本周财经讲座 Sponsored financial seminars
免责声明: 所有参与投资理财演讲的家长,应考虑投资本身的风险性,斟酌决定自己投资的可能性。西北中文学校提供演讲的场地,核实主讲人公司和其公众演讲许可证明,对家长个人投资错误或演讲内容误差一概不负任何责任。Parents who participated financial planning seminars should evaluate his or her own risk tolerance level and possibility before doing any investments.  NWCS provides classrooms for presenters, review and confirm each presenter’s company and their approved public appearance. NWCS is not responsible for any individual investment loss or errors in presenter’s materials.
1.      诚爱,助您美梦成真  如何为孩子积攒学费,如何买房更划算,如何合理免税,如何不为退休担忧,如何让您的钱再生钱?诚爱投资理财顾问团,愿用我们的真诚和爱心为您选择最适合您的财务计划。我们拥有(CAORWA)西海岸最佳专业人士组合.
时间: Nov 3rd  from 11-12pm
教室:1201 (steps further from the Admin desk)
2.      如何获得有保障的终身退休金 是社会安全福利?还是公司的PENSION?还有其他选择么?本讲座让您了解获取有保障的终身退休金的几种选择。
主讲: Jamie Gu  (MBA) Registered Investment Representative
时间: Nov 3rd from 12 - 1pm
教室: 1103 

            Nov    3    AM - 4A;  PM - 2C
            Nov. 17    AM - 6A;   PM - 6C
Safety patrol  Safety patrol parents must arrive before 8:45 for morning classes and before 11:45 for afternoon classes, and stay until about 30 minutes after classes begin.   The parents should get the safety patrol jackets from the principal's desk.  The duties include directing traffic outside of the school building, and ensuring that students walk safely in the school premises.

Gift certificate sales  Gift certificate sales parents can get the gift certificates from the accountant, Ms. Xu Min at the admin desk.  Please remember to record the classes for which the certificates are purchases, because 5% of the proceeds go to the respective class funds. Morning parents should stay until 10:50, and afternoon parents should stay until 1:30.

活动日程  Upcoming events 
11/03 财经讲座
11/03 乐高班LEGO classes for kids, room# 1113
11/03 and 11/17 Used Books and DVD fair
11/10 No school (NHS ski swap)
11/24 No school (Thanksgiving)
2/3/2013 春节晚会  Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) Celebration

Here is the link to log volunteer hours if your company pays for your volunteer hours.

For previous PTA weekly announcements, please visit <>