Thursday, February 23, 2012


Check out all NWCS PTA Weekly Email Archives on PTA Blog

本周无课 No school this week

鸣谢春晚的演职员及志愿者 Thank you volunteers for NWCS Chinese New Year Event
本致谢本应早些时间发出. 因故延迟至今, 抱歉!

129日我们学校的春节晚会成功举办. 大量的演职员及志愿者用他们的心血和时间为我们打造了一台精彩纷呈的节目. 真正是众人拾柴火焰高! 这里我们特别向他们表示衷心的感谢!

节目组: 傅白薇, 施红, 熊一华, 陈鹏, 赵峥, 王欣
后台:      张岩, 李明刚及女儿,陈鹏,高阳,崔现举及太太,高福杰 ,张维业,刘永胜,杨钢,刘军,杜斯海, 廖丹宁,王子玠 ,刘世仰,周清志, Nancy Li
摄影叶青, 王智东
门票平海燕,张升宇夫妇, Victoria Xu, Miku Hanatate, Jenny Liang, Janice, Emily Ge
节目册: 王智东, 陈濬
食品:  Connie Hong及先生, 胡国荣
VIP/外联: 马冬, 张瑾, 马蕾, 孙运祺
Fund-raising: Julie Ellington, 张维, 马蕾
其他: 何蓉晖, 袁正刚

还有大量演员及其他志愿者, 人数众多, 恕不能一一列举. 但同样对你们的奉献精神及精彩表演表示感谢和喝彩!
另外, 也对赞助此次活动的众多个人和单位致谢!

春晚DVD供购买 DVD for CNY Performance is available for purchasing
学校春节晚会的录像已制成DVD可供购买. 今年我们采用了专业摄影, 效果远胜以往. 一套共2DVD. $10. 欢迎到PTA table购买.
The video recording of CNY performance is available for purchasing. This year we hired professional video photographer to record the performance and it’s of much higher quality. It’s in a 2-disc set, available at PTA table for $10 each.

Lost and Found:
如果有谁在24号捡到围棋一副,请交到中文学校 Admin. 谢谢



Check out all NWCS PTA Weekly Email Archives on PTA Blog

重要提醒  注意校园开车安全并勿违规停车  Special Note – Drive Safely in Campus
大家都对每周六校园里的堵车现象不陌生. 造成这种情况的原因有多种, 比如学生数量比以前多很多 (这是对学校, 及校址的肯定, 但同时也带来烦恼), 在这种情形下,尤其需要家长配合。上周我们接到报告,有孩子在差一点儿被撞,我想没有任何一位家长愿意看到这种事发生。请大家务必注意安全,在校园里不要开得太快。Newport High在有其他活动的时候, 有可能停车位会较满. 也请大家务必在任何情况下, 都不要在不该停的地方停车.
1  请不要在接送人的地方停留也不要双重泊车(double parking)把孩子drop off后请立即开走. 最好是把车停于停车场, 走路接送孩子.
2  不要在不该停的路边停车. 这样不但影响别人, 也会给你自己招麻烦(已有人吃了警方的ticket)
3  上课前早些到. 这样会缓解高峰时的交通状况. 
4  对于住家近或孩子已大的家庭, 我们鼓励你送完孩子后开回去, 或是利用等待时间在附近shopping或做其他事情, 而不占校园的停车位.
5  听从疏导交通的志愿者的指挥. 并积极参与班级的志愿者值班帮忙疏导交通。
The school is very crowded especially during the class transition time. Please keep in mind to drive slowly and be careful to watch for the students. Please also do not park your car at inappropriate place. Participation in your child's classroom volunteer duty is greatly appreciated. 

PTA Weekly Services

NWCS Library: No library this week ( we are open every other week )

Parent-On-Duty: (see class duty calendar for the entire semester)
This week (2/11/2011): AMclass 4B, PM: class K-C
Next time (3/3/2011): AM:  class 5A,  PM: class 1C

讲座 (PTA Seminars)

家庭教育讲座 Family Education  主讲 (speaker):     程远教授  Prof. Cheng Yuan    
11AM–12PM              CLASSROOM 1112

Prize Station:      
Open this week from 10:30am to 1pm.

Gift Certificates Sale:
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (near admin table).
Community News



Welcome to Join Parents' Dancing Class!
Time: Saturdays 1pm to 2pm. Location: 2nd floor gym
Teacher: He Lu (Chinese Dance)

Seattle Kids Chorus
在中文学校春节演出中压轴的Seattle Kids Chorus 从二月份起开始新的学期。本学期共为18周,每周一次1小时排练。时间为每周日晚5:30-6:30pm Mercer Island Covenent Church. 总学费为$150/kid。原则上以现在的学生为主,但是我们希望能扩招一些8岁到14没有变声的大孩子 - 因为新学期不仅要学许多难度较大的歌,音域要求也更宽了。当然如果有音准,音质 都好的年龄较小的孩子,我们也欢迎。

我们将安排两个Audition 时间 2/19 2/26 5:00pm-5:30pm - 如果您的孩子有兴趣,您可以带孩子在到 Mercer Island Covenent Church 进行考试。如果您有意参加考试,请回 我们会根据报名多少安排具体的时间以减少您的等待。另外,欢迎所有已经通过考试的学生继续参加。无需再次通过考试。

Seattle kids chorus


新年好!我是西北中文西雅图分校6年级的老师,陈婷。今天十分冒昧,想请家委会帮忙,征询一下有哪位老师或者家长在7月初的时候回上海,想请他把我十岁的女儿捎带回沪。我的女儿已经有2次被捎带回沪的经历,所以很自立了,不会添太多麻烦的。非常感谢家委会的帮忙。我的联系方式:425-533-2157H 206-355-7531C


Friday, February 3, 2012


Check out all NWCS PTA Weekly Email Archives on PTA Blog

新学期注册    New Semester Registration
Registration Site à Main ( Bellevue ) Campus
                                    Seattle Campus
希望大家利用本次新引入的网上注册付款, 避免再去Admin处排队. 下面是一些有益的建议:
1.      本学期绝大部分班级不需要买书. 家长在网上选好课, 付款之后就完成了注册. 付款记录会在家庭账户中保留.
2.      需要买书的班级(2A, 2E, 2F, 5A, 5D, 5E), 书款也在网上付. 付款后请打印出Family Registration Report, 开学日到领书处凭该report领书.
3.      如有网上注册的问题, email
4.      如仍需用传统的办法注册, 请在未付款的情况下打印出Family Registration Report, 带至admin交款.

Please try to take advantage of online registration and avoid the long wait in line at admin desk. Here are some tips:
1.      Most of the classes don’t need to buy new text books this time. After you select classes and pay, your registration is done. No further steps needed.
2.      For classes that need to be buy new books ( 2A, 2E, 2F, 5A, 5D, 5E ), the book fee can also be paid online. Please print out the “Family Registration Report” after you complete payment. On the first day of school please bring it to pick up the books at school.
3.      For online registration issues, please contact for help.
4.      If to use traditional way to register, please print out the “Family Registration Report” without paying, and bring the report to admin table to make payment.

NWCS春晚 CNY Performance
本次春晚于上周日(1/29)成功举行. 这里PTA对所有volunteer, 演职人员及给予支持的家属致以真挚的感谢. 下面的链接里有部分照片, 欢迎大家欣赏. 另外本次我们有请专业摄影师为晚会摄影, 我们会于两三周后编辑完成后开始出售演出DVD.
We had a successful performance last Sunday. Here we would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the volunteers, performers and their families. There are some pictures in the  below link. Enjoy. Also we hired professional video photographer to shoot the performance video. We will start selling the DVDs after two to three weeks when the editing is done.

Lost and Found:
The theater has found a lost a cell phone, probably left by someone during our performance. If it’s you, please contact PTA about it.

PTA Weekly Services
               本周所有PTA例行活动, 包括礼券, 图书馆, 奖品, 讲座, 暂停一次.
All PTA regular services, including gift certificate sales, library, prize station and seminars, are OFF this week.


Thursday, February 2, 2012


Check out all NWCS PTA Weekly Email Archives on PTA Blog

新学期注册本周六开始    New Semester Registration Starts This Saturday
希望大家利用本次新引入的网上注册付款, 避免再去Admin处排队. 下面是一些有益的建议:
1.      本学期绝大部分班级不需要买书. 家长在网上选好课, 付款之后就完成了注册. 付款记录会在家庭账户中保留.
2.      需要买书的班级(2A, 2E, 2F, 5A, 5D, 5E), 书款也在网上付. 付款后请打印出Family Registration Report, 开学日到领书处凭该report领书.
3.      如有网上注册的问题, email
4.      如仍需用传统的办法注册, 请在未付款的情况下打印出Family Registration Report, 带至admin交款.

Please try to take advantage of online registration and avoid the long wait in line at admin desk. Here are some tips:
1.      Most of the classes don’t need to buy new text books this time. After you select classes and pay, your registration is done. No further steps needed.
2.      For classes that need to be buy new books ( 2A, 2E, 2F, 5A, 5D, 5E ), the book fee can also be paid online. Please print out the “Family Registration Report” after you complete payment. On the first day of school please bring it to pick up the books at school.
3.      For online registration issues, please contact for help.
4.      If to use traditional way to register, please print out the “Family Registration Report” without paying, and bring the report to admin table to make payment.

NWCS春晚 CNY Performance
这是学校春晚前的最后一个weekly email. 一个好消息一个坏消息.
好消息: 今年的晚会将会是一台以我们本校学生,老师和家长为主, 同时又是一台欢乐, 精彩的高水平演出. 演出节目单现已出炉, 请看附件.
坏消息: 售票已于周三上午结束. 今年由于采用了网上售票, 售票速度丝毫未受大雪停课的影响. 请已付款的家长本周六到PTA desk receipt领取门票.

The CNY Performance is coming up this Sunday. There’s good news and bad news:
Good news: It’s going to be a great show! The program list is already out and please see attachment.
Bad news:    We are sold out. If you missed it, please remember to act fast next year, and take advantage of online purchase!

Chinese Community News

本周也是四海同春演出(的最后一次售票. 我们余票不多, 欲购从速! 主办方有礼品赠送!  
另外演出节目单也已确定, 请看附件. 其中演员王志宏,吕继宏都是刚刚参加完央视春晚就来西雅图演出的.

欣然乒乓球俱乐部211日在西雅图组织举办大型乒乓球表演赛. 详情请看附件.

PTA Weekly Services

NWCS Library will NOT be open this week ( we are open every other week )

Parent-On-Duty: (see class duty calendar for the entire semester)
This week (12/03/2011): AMclass 4A, PM: class 6C
Next time (12/10/2011): AM:  class 4E,  PM: class 5C

讲座 (PTA Seminars)

财务讲座     Speaker:  晓峰
1 如何做好家庭理财计划?
2 美国政府现今提供的省税计划
3 怎样控制投资风险?
4 如何做好孩子教育,个人退休计划?
5 如何保护财产?
6 各种计划的区别?
7 如何减免债务?
11AM–12PM              CLASSROOM: 1201

家庭教育讲座 Family Education  主讲 (speaker):     程远教授  Prof. Cheng Yuan    
11AM–12PM              CLASSROOM 1112

1PM-2PM                    CLASSROOM 1201 

Prize Station:      
Open this week from 10:30am to 1pm.

Gift Certificates Sale:
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (near admin table).
