Friday, February 7, 2014

NWCS PTA weekly communications 2/6/2014

1.    春节联欢会圆满成功 NWCS CNY show a complete success
2.    品行教育小提示:书信格式 A reminder about correspondence etiquette
3.    PTA Extra curriculum - Mad Science  
4.    免费讲座Free seminars sponsored by PTA
家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty
日程表 For your calendar   
同心协力,马到成功春节联欢会圆满成功!The 2014 Chinese New Year show is a complete success!
由PTA主办的西北中文学校的马年春节联欢会在2月2日获得圆满成功,一点都不低于 Seahawks 胜战。你们这些观众,演员和义工都不愧是我们西北中文学校的 Spirit of the 12th Man! 你们对我们学校和孩子的支持和爱,充分显示在舞台上。在此感谢所有为演出花了大量精力编排节目的老师,家长和学生,尤其想提一下节目 ”常回家看看“,它从一个很简单的三人小唱演变成了七个人带有深刻剧情的表演唱。这正是体现了只有同心协力,才能马到成功!还有为联欢会献出大量心血的策 划组织人员,以及认真负责的义工们。他们是我们春晚的无名英雄!尤其想特别提到的是节目主策划人卞荣荣・,舞台设计赵峥老师,舞台监督魏东和后台及票务主 管李明刚。没有他们三个月的辛勤关注,我校的春晚不会这样一环扣一环,回味无穷。愿我们的春节庆祝一年比一年更丰富精彩!Despite being on Super Bowl day and other local events, the NWCS 2014 Chinese New Year show sponsored by the PTA was well attended, and a complete success!  We would like to thank the teachers and students, the organizers, and the volunteers who made the event possible. Here is the quote from our Founder Frank Mei (NWCS 1st Principal): "I haven't seen such a wonderful and high level performance for a long time. I enjoyed every single minute of the show and did not regret missing the Seahawks at all. I strongly suggest you participate the Seattle International  Children's  Festival held at Seattle Center in May every year. And take any other opportunities to let more people to know you in the Great Seattle area. You are the best! I truly appreciate the honor that you have given to us and feeling we are sincerely recognized with love for the first time in 18 years. The trophy that I feel I don't deserve probably is and will be the most valuable present that I received in my life. The CNY is the reflection of your strong leadership and the prosperity of NWCS and I am proud to be part of it!"
品行教育小提示: 书信格式 A reminder about correspondence formats 
、邀请类,或给陌生人写的时候是必须的。这看似小事,其实在我们的工作生活上是至关重要的。In this era of short messages, we may have got used to the style of short, quick correspondences.  This is may be fine between friends most of the time.  However, please remind the children that, including a salutation and signature, even with e-mail and text messages, is still an important part of correspondence.  This is especially important when writing for situations such as applications, inquiry, and invitations.  It may look like a small matter, but it is important in our daily lives and work.

Extra-Curriculum MAD SCIENCE registration starts at PTA desk
Welcome to the Mad Science Program where you will learn that physics is the science that just won't quit - it's everywhere!  We'll find physics in magic tricks, in stunt plane wings, in electrical currents and even a little bit in chemistry. Children will experiment with gravity, inertia, and centripetal force, see how magicians use science to pull off some astounding illusions, find out why "thin air" is one tough cookie, conduct cool chemical reactions, and much much more. Every class also builds awesome take-homes to share the Mad Science experience with family and friends! The program is a unique and innovative way to continue the learning process after school and your child will have so much fun it is hard to believe that they are actually learning at the same time. Room assignment will be announced shortly.
Student age: K-6 Grade (min 15 and max 20 students)
Dates of 6 classes: March 8th - April 19th (No school on April 12th)
Fees for 6 classes: per child: $105
免费讲座 Free seminars sponsored by PTA
免责声明所有参与投资理财演讲的家长,应考虑投资本身的风险性,斟酌决定自己投资的可能性。西北中文学校提供演讲的场地,核实主讲人公司和其公众演讲许可证明,对家长个人投资错误或演讲内容误差一概不负任何责任。Parents who participate financial planning seminars should evaluate his or her own risk tolerance level and possibility before doing any investments.  NWCS provides classrooms for presenters, review and confirm each presenter’s company and their approved public appearance. NWCS is not responsible for any individual investment loss or errors in presenter’s materials.

A.      第二届 "法律专家 服务社区 系列讲座"  -  Employment Law  雇佣劳动法:雇佣合同、工资、歧视
时间:Feb 8th from 11-12pm
地点:room 1201
Language: in English
讲员简介:Jesse Wing 律师是MacDonald Hoague & Bayless的著名诉讼律师。他在诉讼中主要代表原告,诉讼领域包括:就业劳动法、公平住房、公共设施、宪法第一修正案、以及政府的不当行为等。 Jesse曾任华盛顿州雇佣劳动法律师协会主席,并是雇佣劳动法手册以及民权法手册的作者之一。Jesse在美国律师评估网站上获满分,多年来一直被评为 雇佣法方面的超级律师,并连续几年被评为“美国最佳律师”之一。

B.    2013家庭报税省税 美国是一个高收入高税收的国家,家庭“税”的管理及其重要。今年税法有何改变?如何填1040表, 哪些项目可以抵税? 私人公司如何申报?怎样拿回被多扣的social security tax和Medicare tax? 美国政府提供哪些有税上好处的政策?哪些人可以享受这些税的优惠?在给自己存退休基金时如何考虑将来税的负担?在给孩子存教育基金同时是否可享受省税的好 处?讲座将围绕中国人在美国遇到的各种与税务相关的财务问题深入讲解,帮助家庭做到长期省税而不仅仅是在每年报税前做少量的抵税。
主讲:Dave Wong
时间:Feb 8th
地点:room 1112
家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty
The next classes for parent-on-duty are as follows:
            Jan 18             AM - 6B;  PM - 6C
Each class will need 2 parents for safety patrol, and 2 parents for the gift certificate sales.  AM refers to classes starting at 9am, and PM refers to classes starting at 12noon.  Please inform the parents of the specific duties and procedures.

Safety patrol  Safety patrol parents
must arrive before 8:45 for morning classes and before 11:45 for afternoon classes, and stay until about 30 minutes after classes begin.   The parents should get the safety patrol jackets from the principal's desk.  The duties include directing traffic  outside of the school building, and ensuring that students walk safely in the school premises.

Gift certificate sales  Gift certificate sales parents can get the gift certificates from the accountant, Ms. Yi Qiufang at the admin desk.  Please remember to record the classes for which the certificates are purchases, because
5% of the proceeds go to the respective class funds.  Morning parents should stay until 10:50, and afternoon parents should stay until 1:30.

Please take a look at the overall class duty calendar to know your class' scheduled date, and prepare to organize the parent duties about 2 weeks ahead of time. If you have any questions or your role has been transferred to other parents, please contact Li, Minggang at:
请大家继续此项一举两得的募捐项目:Shopping at benefits school PTA!
Amazon has a school reward program. Don’t forget to click on this link to Shop at! ONLY when you shop through this link, our school will earn 4-10% free money from Amazon to support programs for students and parents. So add the link to your favorites! The Amazon link is also on our school website at Our fund can only grow when more parents, grandparents and relatives shop through this school link at Amazon.
日程表  For your calendar  
08: Mad Science class registration starts
15: No school - Mid winter break 
08: Mad Science class starts
Important links:
Log your volunteer hours if your company pays for your volunteer hours Link to volunteer log 
For previous PTA announcements, please visit