Sunday, November 24, 2013

NWCS PTA weekly communications 11/21/2013

1.             西北中文学校品德教育 Virtues education at NWCS
2.             马年春节联欢会节目报名最后一周 Only about one week left until closing of the CNY show registration
3.             北美高层次人才创业大赛
4.             免费讲座 Free seminars sponsored by PTA
5.             入住美国后饮食调适过程研究
6.             家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty
7.             日程表 For your calendar
The Holidays are coming!  Shopping at benefits school PTA!
Amazon has school reward program. Don’t forget to click on this link to Shop at! ONLY when you shop through this link, our school will earn 4-10% free money from Amazon to support programs for students and parents. So add the link to your favorites! The Amazon link is also on our school website at Our fund can only grow when more parents, Grandparents and relatives shop through this school link at Amazon.
西北中文学校品德教育  Virtues education at NWCS 
良好的品行对孩子和家长有重大意义。如果孩子在课堂上的良好行为得到老师和家长的认可和鼓励,孩子会感受到他的行为的价值所在,能成为其他孩子的榜样。老师和家长的一个小小的,及时的认可和鼓励往往能对孩子今后的学习、工作、生活都起到终生的影响。PTA和学校从本学期开始,每月选择一个品德主题,和课堂老师共同推动品德教育。我们本学期选择的主题是:尊敬,责任感,同情心,诚实。本月和12月在各班倡导的品德教育是:尊敬。尊敬会表现在如何有礼貌的与人对话,如何对属于他人的东西和隐私保持一定的距离,如何对他人的想法表示有礼貌的认可。尊敬不光是需要对他人表现,也要对自己。尊敬会使人在每天的日常生活中有价值感。Practicing Virtues (品德) in the classroom takes only minutes but the acknowledgement of Virtues by a child’s teacher and parent may impact a child’s life forever. As our children are learning academic excellence, Virtues help empower each child and parent to live a more meaningful life. Virtues are part of our daily lives – Parents to raise children of compassion and integrity, teachers to create safe, caring and high performing learning communities, leaders to encourage excellence and ethics in the work place. In order to allow our children really understand Virtues, we think the best way is to learn Virtues in action. PTA would like to work with teachers in the classroom this school year to practice the following virtues: 1.Respect (尊敬); 2.Responsibilities (责任感); 3. Compassion (同情心); 4. Honesty (诚实). For the rest of the month November and December, we start with practicing Virtue RESPECT in the class. With respectfulness people’s privacy and personal belongs would not be violated. With respect people will not speak rudely to each other and treat others as if they don’t matter. With self-respect you would not let others use you or hurt you. Being respectful helps people feel valued, every day.
春节联欢会节目报名截止日1130  only about 1 week left until closing of the 2014 Chinese New Year show registration
Until Nov 30th, we need the following content for your Chinese New Year program submission: 1. program title in both Chinese and English; 2. your class, name of the performer(s); 3. type of your program. 4. contact info of the program organizers; 5. program length and duration; 6. Brief description of your program. Please submit your program on the YouTube (private links only) by 11/30. We will audit your program based on that. We will also have an onsite audition schedule on 12/7 and 12/14. Based on the YouTube and Onsite audition, the final program selection will be made. We strongly encourage and will give priority consideration to high quality Chinese-language related programs. If you have any questions please email

第四届北美创业大赛详情见 西雅图赛区选拔赛暨第一届西雅图创业大赛将于20131111日在西雅图启动,由西雅图创业协会承办。将经过三轮评选,总决赛在201415日在加州圣塔克拉拉会议中心盛大举行(Santa Clara Convention center)。组织者定于本周六十二点在中文学校的2105教室为大家现场问答。欢迎大家光临参加。
免费讲座 Free seminars sponsored by PTA
免责声明所有参与投资理财演讲的家长,应考虑投资本身的风险性,斟酌决定自己投资的可能性。西北中文学校提供演讲的场地,核实主讲人公司和其公众演讲许可证明,对家长个人投资错误或演讲内容误差一概不负任何责任。Parents who participate financial planning seminars should evaluate his or her own risk tolerance level and possibility before doing any investments.  NWCS provides classrooms for presenters, review and confirm each presenter’s company and their approved public appearance. NWCS is not responsible for any individual investment loss or errors in presenter’s materials.
A.  美国顶尖大学是这样考取的: 成功家教范例献给学生及家长 Parenting seminar by author of the book Dream College Admissions Made Possible  
一个中国父亲送走两名顶尖大学生后的反思和建议。引用姜医生自己的话说:我和我的妻子都是第一代移民到美国。我们在这个国家没有正式的课堂教育经历。我们花了多年的时间去摸索美国的教育系统。我们犯了不少的失误也走了很多的弯路; 但从中也获得了丰富的经验。我真诚地希望我们的反思和经历能为现在的和将来的年轻父母们提供一些指导和参考. 如果我们的孩子能进入美国顶尖大学, 没有谁家的孩子不能进入他们梦想的大学. 在研讨会结束后,还有签书仪式。A reflection and advice from a Chinese parent who sent two students to top colleges. Here is the seminar introduction with Dr. Jiang’s own words: ”My wife and I are first-generation immigrants to the United States. We did not have formal classroom experience in this country. It took us many years of trial and error to navigate the American educational system. If our children can do it, so can any student in America. It is our sincere hope that our reflections provide some guidance for all present and future parents in preparing children for their dream colleges.” At the end of the seminar, you can purchase his book onsite and there will be a book signing in the classroom.
主讲/Speaker: Dr. Peter Jiang (in English and Chinese)
时间/Time: 11/23/2013 from 11-12pm
地点/Room: 1112  
B. Alzheimer research and current findings - hosted by UW Research center Dr. Gail Li
Gail Li, MD, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the UW, a Co-Associate Director of the UW Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) Clinical Core, as well as a UW ADRC research principal investigator (PI). Dr. Li has studied the genetics of schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease, and she is currently investigating spinal fluid biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease, as well as vascular risk and protective factors for Alzheimer's disease in a community-based population. Dr. Li will be speaking about Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, what we know about their causes, and what the current treatments are.
Speaker: Dr. Gail Li (in English)
Time: 11/23/2013 from 11-12pm
Room: 1201  
C.  西雅图分校理财讲座
主讲:     Albert Chang
时间: 11/23/2013 from 12:30-1:30pm
地点:     room 129 at Seattle Branch   
华大博士生刘仪君正在寻找约8名志愿的研究对象来一起参与一场90分钟的焦点团体访谈会。符合条件的有志者,请和博士生刘仪君联系。访谈会地点: 西北中文学校PTA desk;  时间: 11/23 上午9:30- 11:00。研究对象将一起讨论入住美国后饮食调适过程的个人经历并获赠30美元的礼卡。对象资格: 在美国居住尚未超过5年并且至少18岁并且是华裔且会说华语并且是位母亲,正在养育至少一名未成年子女。详情请电邮:; 电话(206) 953-8637
家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty
The next classes for parent-on-duty are as follows:
            Nov 16             AM - 1B/9A;  PM - 8C

Each class will need 2 parents for safety patrol, and 2 parents for the gift certificate sales.  AM refers to classes starting at 9am, and PM refers to classes starting at 12noon.  Please inform the parents of the specific duties and procedures.

Safety patrol  Safety patrol parents must arrive before 8:45 for morning classes and before 11:45 for afternoon classes, and stay until about 30 minutes after classes begin.   The parents should get the safety patrol jackets from the principal's desk.  The duties include directing traffic  outside of the school building, and ensuring that students walk safely in the school premises.

Gift certificate sales  Gift certificate sales parents can get the gift certificates from the accountant, Ms. Yi Qiufang at the admin desk.  Please remember to record the classes for which the certificates are purchases, because 5% of the proceeds go to the respective class funds.  Morning parents should stay until 10:50, and afternoon parents should stay until 1:30.

Please take a look at the overall
class duty calendar to know your class' scheduled date, and prepare to organize the parent duties about 2 weeks ahead of time. If you have any questions or your role has been transferred to other parents, please contact Li, Minggang at:

Thank you.

日程表  For your calendar  
23 Virtue education starts at NWCS – Respect
23 LEGO classes continue in room 1114
30 No school - Thanksgiving
30 Final day to submit 2014 Chinese New Year (CNY) performance program proposals
07 CNY performance audition 
14 CNY performance audition
21 Winter break – holidays
28 Winter break – holidays
Important links:
Log your volunteer hours if your company pays for your volunteer hours Link to volunteer log 
For previous PTA announcements, please visit
NWCS school website:

Friday, November 15, 2013

NWCS PTA weekly communications special edition 11/14/2013

各位老师和家长,Dear teachers and parents,

As you already know, due to events at Newport High School this weekend, our Bellevue main campus will have to cancel all classes.   All instruction plans are moved by one week.  Except for those stated below, all seminar speakers and the focus group for UW research are contacted and rescheduled accordingly. The two LEGO make-up classes will be held on Saturday January 11th.

The Seattle campus is not affected by this event.  All instructions and seminar proceed as scheduled.
Also as a reminder, the 2014 Chinese New Year performance program preparation and registration schedule is not affected by this event.  Teachers and parents planning to submit program proposals please proceed as planned.  Please remember to submit your proposals to by Nov. 30, 2013.

讲题: 『生涯规划铁三角~教育,税务,退休规划三合一』在这个不确定的年代里,学费飙涨,股市波动,高额的税赋的大环境之下,我们如何能做好我们的生涯规划?本周我们将做一个总结,从三个角度来剖析生涯规划,如何为孩子储备教育基金,申请助学金的同时可以兼顾到税务规划,在投资方面,我们也会与大家分享,在诡谲多变的股市当中,如何利用不通的金融工具保护自己资产同时有效节税!
主讲: Albert Chang  时间:11/16/2013 from 12:30am~1:30pm  地点: Seattle Branch - Washington Middle SchoolRoom 129

爱艺社将于1123日下午 7:00 Bellevue市的Meydenbauer Convention Center, 举办万水千山总是情”-1960 – 1990的流行歌曲演唱会暨助学募款。本次音乐会募款所得金额将全部捐助给明日中华基金会”.其网址为 爱艺社已经是第三年举办这样的晚会了, 参加的除了几位在港台得奖的歌手以外,微软的chime band今年也会参演。表演的曲目包括: 万水千山总是情, 千千阙歌,东方之珠, 花心, 野百合也有春天, sway, I have a dream 等等. 将是能唤起60,70后回忆的一场很有看头的流行音乐演唱会

票价为 25, 35 VIP65. 有兴趣的朋友可以去Tofu 101(豆腐101) or 小台北餐厅购买. 详情见演出海报! or Contact:

Best regards,

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

NWCS PTA weekly communications 10/31/2013

1.             马年春节联欢会节目报名  Only four weeks left until closing of the CNY show registration
2.             请为春节联欢会出主意  Seeking input for the 2014 Chinese New Year show
3.             乐高班本周六开课 Lego classes start this week
4.             免费讲座 Free seminars sponsored by PTA
5.             入住美国后饮食调适过程研究
6.             家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty
7.             日程表 For your calendar

Shopping at benefits school PTA - NWCS received $234 dollars from March till Oct, Thank You!
Amazon has school reward program. Don’t forget to click on this link to Shop at! ONLY when you shop through this link, our school will earn 4-10% free money from Amazon to support programs for students and parents. So add the link to your favorites! The Amazon link is also on our school website at Our fund can only grow when more parents, Grandparents and relatives shop through this school link at Amazon.

春节联欢会节目报名截止日1130  only four weeks left until closing of the 2014 Chinese New Year show registration
请各位老师和家长在1130日前把你的节目报到 报名资料请包括节目的中英文名称,型式、班级、演员名单、组织或联系人的电华和电邮、以及节目简介和所需时间,把节目录像下载到YouTube(private link only)并通知我们,以资评审。现场评审将在127日和1214日进行。如有问题,请通过pta@nwchinese.org和我们联系。Important Information Regarding CNY Program Submission: 1) Please submit your program via  no later than 11/30/13.  2) Please list your program in both Chinese and English, including your class, name of the performer(s), Title and type of your program. 3) Please provide contact info of the program organizers.  4) Please provide program length in minutes, number of performers, and a short description of your program if possible.  5) Please provide video(YouTube private links only) of your program by 11/30. The onsite audition will be held on 12/7 and 12/14.  We strongly encourage and will give priority consideration to high quality Chinese-language related programs. If you have any questions please email

请为春节联欢会出主意  Looking for input for the theme of 2014 Chinese New Year show
西 北中文学校的春节联欢会是我们所有老师家长学生的联欢会,是展现大家才能的一个窗口。我们在此请大家集思广益,为联欢会出主意。第一,请大家为晚会的主题 命名,给它想一个题目。第二,请同学们,特别是美术班的同学们,为晚会的海报和门票设计一个和春节有关的图案。所有的稿件请在1130日前送,或送PTA 的办公桌。我们将选其中最有代表意义的作品。The NWCS Chinese New Year performance is a celebration by all teachers, parents, and students of the school, a showcase for our talents.  The PTA invites everyone to consider (1) making suggestions for a theme for the celebration, and (2) graphical designs for the event flyers and tickets by the students, especially students from the art classes.  We will select the most representative for this important occasion.  Please submit your entries by Nov 30, 2013 to, or to the PTA desk.

乐高班本周开课  Lego classes start this week
PTA部分赞助的不同年级的乐高班本周六开始上课。请报了名的同学准时到课室报到。有意上课但还没有报名的同学请在上课前到PTA桌子报名。Lego classes start this week.  Registered students please go to classes on time.  Those wishing to take the class but have not registered can still register before classes begin at the PTA desk.  Registration fee is non-refundable.

1.   LEGO® Jr Engineer class (3-5th Grade) offers an integrated STEM curriculum including science, technology, engineering, math, as well as history, language arts, and team decision making to children using LEGO® bricks and motors.  This is a hands-on class where students will build and design with Legos and receive an introduction to levers, gears, pulleys and more using batteries and motors to bring their creations to life! 

Class size:             min 15 – max 24 students
Dates:                    5 sessions from Nov 2nd – Dec 14th  (No schools on Nov 9th and 30th)
Time:                     11-12pm
Room:                    # 1114
Fee:                       $75

2.   LEGO® Jr Builder class (K-2nd Grade) offers an integrated STEM curriculum including science, technology, engineering, math, as well as history, language arts, and team decision making to children using LEGO® bricks.  This is a hands-on class where students will build and design with Lego bricks creating things from the world around them! 

Class size:             min 15 – max 24 students
Dates:                    5 sessions from Nov 2nd – Dec 14th  (No schools on Nov 9th and 30th)
Time:                     12 – 1pm  
Room:                    # 1114
Fee:                       $75

免费讲座 Free seminars sponsored by PTA
免责声明所有参与投资理财演讲的家长,应考虑投资本身的风险性,斟酌决定自己投资的可能性。西北中文学校提供演讲的场地,核实主讲人公司和其公众演讲许可证明,对家长个人投资错误或演讲内容误差一概不负任何责任。Parents who participate financial planning seminars should evaluate his or her own risk tolerance level and possibility before doing any investments.  NWCS provides classrooms for presenters, review and confirm each presenter’s company and their approved public appearance. NWCS is not responsible for any individual investment loss or errors in presenter’s materials.

A. 教育基金规划大揭密 在这个学费飙涨的年代,为孩子准备教育基金是父母亲刻不容缓的课题,本周我们要跟大家探讨如何为孩子准备大学的教育基金,以及如何申请助学金,我们在会中会探讨几个重点:如何为孩子准备教育基金? 申请助学金(Financial aid)应注意的事项及技巧;529 plan解析;如何利用不同的金融工具达到节税及储备教育基金的目的. 我们将以深入浅出的方法为大家做详实的解析,您千万不能错过! 我们同时会提供茶水点心,欢迎大家踊跃参加!

主讲:         Albert Chang
时间:         11/02/2013 12:30pm~1:30pm
地点:         Room # 129  in Washington Middle School, Seattle (NWCS Branch)

B. 家庭省税与教育基金讲座 美国是一个高收入高税收的国家,家庭的管理及其重要。美国政府提供哪些有税上好处的政策?哪些人可以享受这些税的优惠?许多工作的人都给自己存了退休基金,但是应存多少将来才够用而又不会使现在的生活太紧张,如何考虑将来税的负担?如何在市场下跌时保护401(k), 403(b)退休金不至缩水美国大学学费正在以平均每年6-7%的速率增长,你是否需要给孩子存教育基金?在现有的教育基金中,哪一种更适合您的家庭状况?如何申请到更多的financial aid? 家庭各种财务需求需统筹规划。怎样合理搭配孩子上学的教育基金,自己的退休,买房子的财务规划?如何计划才不会影响孩子申请助学金?
       主讲:         Dave Wong
时间:         11/02 from 11 – 12pm
地点:         Room # 1112 
C. 家庭投资理财与教育基金讲座 (1)普通家庭个人怎样学会投资才能做到早投资早受益 (2)许多人开始考虑投资到金融市场,但是市场的震荡起伏给投资者带来了巨大的风险, 使大家望而却步。怎样才是正确的做法 (3)是否需要给孩子存教育基金。在现有的教育基金中, 哪一种最适合您的家庭 (4)买房贷款应怎样搭配首付跟选择多少年还清 (5)美国现存的社会保障体系正在随着婴儿潮人口的老化而逐渐瓦解, 现在工作的人将来退休后,是否还能得到应有的保障,怎样去准备自己的退休金.
主讲:             Xujie Zhang PhD
时间:             11/02 from 11 – 12pm
地点:             Room # 1201

入住美国后饮食调适过程研究 华大博士生刘仪君正在寻找约8名志愿的研究对象来一起参与一场90分钟的焦点团体访谈会。符合条件的有志者,请到PTA desk和博士生刘仪君联系。访谈会地点: 西北中文学校PTA desk; 时间: 预定11/16(周六) 上午9:30- 11:00。研究对象将一起讨论入住美国后饮食调适过程的个人经历并获赠30美元的礼卡。对象资格和条件: 在美国居住尚未超过5年,至少18岁,是华裔会说华语并且是位母亲,正在养育至少一名未成年子女。详情请电邮; 电话(206)953-8637
家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty
The next classes for parent-on-duty are as follows:
           Nov 02             AM - 3A;  PM - Pre-C

Each class will need 2 parents for safety patrol, and 2 parents for the gift certificate sales.  AM refers to classes starting at 9am, and PM refers to classes starting at 12noon.  Please inform the parents of the specific duties and procedures.

Safety patrol  Safety patrol parents
must arrive before 8:45 for morning classes and before 11:45 for afternoon classes, and stay until about 30 minutes after classes begin.   The parents should get the safety patrol jackets from the principal's desk.  The duties include directing traffic  outside of the school building, and ensuring that students walk safely in the school premises. Gift certificate sales  Gift certificate sales parents can get the gift certificates from the accountant, Ms. Yi Qiufang at the admin desk.  Please remember to record the classes for which the certificates are purchases, because 5% of the proceeds go to the respective class funds.  Morning parents should stay until 10:50, and afternoon parents should stay until 1:30.

Please take a look at the overall class duty calendar to know your class' scheduled date, and prepare to organize the parent duties about 2 weeks ahead of time. If you have any questions or your role has been transferred to other parents, please contact Li, Minggang at:

日程表  For your calendar  
02 Both LEGO classes start
09 No school – Ski Swap
30 No school - Thanksgiving
30 Final day to submit 2014 Chinese New Year performance program proposals

Important links:
Log your volunteer hours if your company pays for your volunteer hours Link to volunteer log 
For previous PTA announcements, please visit
NWCS school website: