Thursday, January 19, 2012


特别通知 Special Notice
受降雪影响, 本周六学校停课, 教学活动顺延一周. 另外新学期注册也顺延一周开始(1/28). 春晚节目彩排暂按原计划于周日(1/22)进行, 如有变动PTA会及时通知.
Due to the heavy snow the school will be closed this coming Saturday. The final exam will be put off to next week. Also the new semester registration (both online or in-person) will be put off for one week, starting next school day (1/28).  The rehearsal of Chinese New Year Performance is still scheduled for Sunday 1/22, however we’ll send out notifications to performers once there is a change.

春晚网上售票继续进行! The online sales of CNY Performance is still on!
一周多以来我们已通过网上及PTA现场售票方式售出一半以上门票. 尤其是因为本周无课, 请尽量抓紧利用网上购票, 以免下周上课时已售馨.
Over half of the CNY tickets have been sold online or at PTA desk since last week. Since there won’t be school this week, please go to the below web site to order your tickets online:

征集志愿者 Volunteer Sign-up for CNY Performance
学校晚会需要大量义工的热情支持. 希望大家踊跃报名为学校师生贡献一份力量. 我们欢迎学生志愿者把他们的社区时间用在帮助新年晚会上.  报名者请在以下表格中填入有关信息: NWCS CNY 2012 Volunteer Sign-Up
Please sign up at the above URL if you would like to volunteer at our Chinese New Year event.

Chinese Community News

由于本周无课, 想购买四海同春演出门票而尚未购买者, email 购买.主办方有不同级别的礼品随票赠送. Email订购者下次上课日(1/28)请来PTA领票.


Friday, January 13, 2012


Check out all NWCS PTA Weekly Email Archives on PTA Blog

特别通知 Special Notice
为了配合Newport高中他们一年一度”维也纳之夜”会场布置的准备工作, 这星期六我们会暂时将行政, PTA, 和家长等候休息区往Commons内移. 若有不便之处, 请见谅.也非常谢谢各位家长的合作与支持.
The Newport High School Orchestra is having its annual “Knights in Vienna” event this Saturday at the Commons area.  Our school admin, PTA desks and parent waiting area will be moved to the far side of the Commons area just for this coming Saturday.  The area will be marked and you will find the school admin and PTA desks there.  We appreciate your understanding and cooperation to help support the High School's event.

西北春晚售票 Tickets for Chinese New Year Performance
我们已在网上开放了售票. 详情请看PTA Blog. 两天内已有一百多张门票售出. 本周六PTA desk提供领票, 也会现场售票.
We have started online selling of the CNY Performance tickets. Please see PTA blog for details. The coming Saturday the tickets will be available for pick up. There will also be tickets available for cash/check purchase.

征集春晚义工 Volunteer Needed for Chinese New Year Performance
晚会需要大量义工的热情支持. 希望大家踊跃报名为学校师生贡献一份力量. 我们欢迎学生志愿者把他们的社区时间用在帮助新年晚会上报名者请在此表格中填入有关信息: NWCS CNY 2012 Volunteer Sign-Up
We welcome, and need a large number of volunteers to make this event a success. It’s also a good opportunity for students to contribute their community hours to our school. Please fill out relevant info in the below site if you would like to volunteer: NWCS CNY 2012 Volunteer Sign-Up

PTA Weekly Services

NWCS Library is open this week ( note we are open every other week now )
NWCS library is located near the admin desk. The hour is from 9:45am to 12:30pm . If you have any library materials that are due, please return them during library hours so others can enjoy them.
We have DVD movies and TV series  including children's materials in the library. We also have the popular 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. All proceeds go to NWCS PTA.

Parent-On-Duty: (see class duty calendar for the entire semester)
This week (1/14/2011):     AMclass 3B, PM: class 5D
Next time (1/21/2011):     AM:   class 4A, PM: class 6C

讲座 (PTA Seminars)
家庭教育讲座 Family Education  主讲 (speaker):     程远教授  Prof. Cheng Yuan    
11AM–12PM              CLASSROOM 1112

本周讲座专题为『黄金退休计划102:如何计算出退休所需要的资金?』课程开端我们将带大家一步一步算出退休所需要的资金,以及用甚么样的金融工具可以达成安心退休的目标,同时我们也会分析股神华伦巴菲特在2011年投资的表现及2012年投资的展望,本系列讲座由张老师理财团队对我校广大家长教师免费提供,每周六同一时段、同一教室开讲1PM-2PM                    CLASSROOM 1201 

Prize Station:      
Open this week from 10:30am to 1pm.

Gift Certificates Sale:
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (near admin table).

Chinese Community News

西北中文学校协助此次演出售票.票价分$18,$38,$58,$88几种.一些票种售馨后我们又进了一批票. 本周六PTA desk将有票现场出售.另有小礼品赠送.欢迎大家购买.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

NWCS CNY 2012 Update - 1/11/2012

Check out all NWCS PTA Weekly Email Archives on PTA Blog


春节演出的准备活动正在有条不紊地进行. 很多我校的同学, 老师和家长将参与演出. 晚会的导演, 演员及志愿者在加紧排练, 129日会给大家献上一台精彩纷呈的晚会. 希望大家和孩子们在一起开开心心的迎接龙年!


时间:  2:00pm – 5:00pm, 周日, 1/29/2012
地点: Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center,  400 S. 2ND St., Renton, WA 98057

今年的售票采用网上售票及PTA Desk售票两种方法并行. 学生和大人价格不同.
网上:               学生 $5,   大人 $8
支票/现金:     学生 $6,   大人 $10
当天现场:       一律 $10  ( 如果有位置的话 )
上网订购即省事又便宜, 更重要的是不用等到星期六. 现在就可以抢在别人前面! (网上付款之后会受到email收据. 请打印出收据周六到PTA Desk领票. 一旦付款保证有票). 我们每年的票均会供不应求, 这里给了你一个避免晚点买不到的机会!

晚会需要大量义工的热情支持. 希望大家踊跃报名为学校师生贡献一份力量. 我们欢迎学生志愿者把他们的社区时间用在帮助新年晚会上.  报名者请在以下表格中填入有关信息:

            春晚组委会已向所有演出团体发出排练通知. 如有未收到的团体请速和 联系.

NWCS 2012 Year of Dragon Performance

Time:  2:00pm – 5:00pm, Sunday, 1/29/2012
Place: Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center,  400 S. 2ND St., Renton, WA 98057

This year we will sell tickets both online and at PTA desk. The pricing info:
Online:            Student $5,   Adult $8
Cash/Check:    Student  $6,  Adult $10
Door:               $10  ( depending on seat availability )
After online payment you will get a receipt in email. Please print it out and go to PTA desk to pick up your tickets. Besides better pricing and convenience of buying from home, you get a chance to beat others as you don’t need to wait until Saturday to buy tickets! Keep in mind our tickets were sold out every year.

Volunteers Needed
We welcome, and need a large number of volunteers to make this event a success. It’s also a good opportunity for students to contribute their community hours to our school. Please fill out relevant info in the below site if you would like to volunteer:

Performance Rehearsal
CNY Committee has sent out rehearsal notifications to all performing parties. If you will perform but haven’t received such notification please contact soon.


Friday, January 6, 2012


Check out all NWCS PTA Weekly Email Archives on PTA Blog

春节演出 Chinese New Year Performance
春节演出的准备活动正在紧张忙碌地进行, 近几天PTA会在每周例行email之外发送一封春晚的专题邮件, 里面会有较详细的内容, 请留意关注. 这里谨通知有演出的个人和团体, 预演时间是122(周日), 中午12点到晚上6. 请提前安排好时间. 地点:
Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center,  400 S. 2ND St., Renton, WA 98057

The preparation of our Chinese New Year Performance is well underway. We will send out an CNY special email in the new future. Please pay attention when that email is out. Here we are reminding all performers, that the rehearsal time is set to 12pm-6pm on Sunday 1/22. Location is Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center,  400 S. 2ND St., Renton, WA 98057

IT testing volunteers needed
Starting the coming semester, we will offer online registration and payment for all NWCS families. Currently the system is under development and we would like to have some volunteers help test the system. Please email PTA if you are interested.

PTA Weekly Services

NWCS Library is open this week ( note we are open every other week now )
NWCS library is located near the admin desk. The hour is from 9:45am to 12:30pm . If you have any library materials that are due, please return them during library hours so others can enjoy them.
We have DVD movies and TV series  including children's materials in the library. We also have the popular 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. All proceeds go to NWCS PTA.

Parent-On-Duty: (see class duty calendar for the entire semester)
This week (1/7/2011):       AMclass 3A, PM: class 4C
Next time (1/14/2011):     AM:  class 3B, PM: class 5D

讲座 (PTA Seminars)

家庭教育讲座 Family Education  主讲 (speaker):     程远教授  Prof. Cheng Yuan    
11AM–12PM              CLASSROOM 1112

1PM-2PM                    CLASSROOM 1201 

Prize Station:      
Open this week from 10:30am to 1pm.

Gift Certificates Sale:
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (near admin table).

Chinese Community News




西北中文学校协助此次演出售票.票价分$18,$38,$58,$88几种.本周六PTA desk将有票现场出售.
