Thursday, October 27, 2011


Check out all NWCS PTA Weekly Email Archives on PTA Blog

Special Notification:
This Saturday NHS Volleyball team will have playoffs at the school.   The games will not be starting until 1:00 PM, they may use the Upper Gym before that. Parents please be aware.

 本周重复一下上周的内容, 以便让上次错过email的家庭得以知晓.
春节联欢晚会2012筹委会( 向全校征集优秀节目, 鼓励各个班级,团体和个人准备节目积极参与报名, 节目类型不限. 初选以后的节目会参加 audition. 目前已有的一些信息和大家分享一下. 后续如有其它细节会陆续发布.

1.   时间:  2:00pm~5:00pm Sunday 1/29/2012
地点:Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center,  400 S. 2ND St., Renton, WA 98057

2.   演出报名的截止日期为11/15/2011. 报名地址:

3.   赞助:我们希望大家都来帮忙为我们的活动募款. 志愿为学校寻找赞助的人士, 或有意赞助我们此次活动的人士,或请与PTA联系:

The year of Dragon is coming! As a tradition we will celebrate our Chinese new year by having a great performance at NWCS. The CNY Performance Committee ( is calling for performance signups.

1.   Time2:00pm~5:00pm Sunday 1/29/2012
VenueRenton IKEA Performing Arts Center,  400 S. 2ND St., Renton, WA 98057

2.   The deadline for performance sign-up is 11/15/2011. Please send emails to  to sign up.

3.   Sponsoring the event: If you would like to sponsor or volunteer to look for sponsors please contact us at and we will give you the details on how to help.

PTA Weekly Services

NWCS Library
NWCS library is located near the admin desk. The hour is from 9:45am to 12:30pm . If you have any library materials that are due, please return them during library hours so others can enjoy them.
We have DVD movies and TV series  including children's materials in the library. We also have the popular 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. All proceeds go to NWCS PTA.

Parent-On-Duty: (see class duty calendar for the entire semester)
This week (10/29/2011): AMclass 1B, PM: class 7C
Next time (11/5/2011):  AM:  class 6A,  PM: class 8C

讲座 (PTA Seminars)
家庭教育讲座 Family Education  主讲 (speaker):     程远教授  Prof. Cheng Yuan    
11AM–12PM              CLASSROOM 1112

本系列讲座由张老师理财团队对我校广大家长教师免费提供,每周六同一时段、同一教室开讲,本周讲座专题为『如何利用保险增加退休收入同时合法节税? 主要会会与大家分享如何利用保险的税务优势,做为儿女教育基金的一部份,同时累积现金值做为退休收入的一部分.
1PM-2PM                   CLASSROOM 1201

Prize Station:      
Open this week from 10:30am to 1pm.

Gift Certificates Sale:
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (near admin table).
News:   We added certificates from HMART, starting last week. The week the Ranch 99 and Jingjing certificates will also be available. Baijia’s is still out of stock, due to reasons on the merchant.

Other Notifications:

太极拳是有益的健身运动, 也是中国国粹. 这里给大家介绍一个在微软附近的杨氏太极拳馆. 望对大家平时有用. 请参阅附件. 另外家长所交学费有一部分会被用于赞助学校和孩子的班级, 类似于我们已有的礼券制度.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

NWCS PTA Weekly email 10/20/2011

Check out all NWCS PTA Weekly Email Archives on PTA Blog



龙年就要到了. 如校长在每周email里所述, 学校和PTA届时将举办春晚来庆祝我们中国人的最重要的节日. 今年的活动主旨还是让学校的孩子们及大人们高高兴兴地娱乐,欢天喜地的过年.

春节联欢晚会2012筹委会( 向全校征集优秀节目, 鼓励各个班级,团体和个人准备节目积极参与报名, 节目类型不限. 初选以后的节目会参加 audition. 目前已有的一些信息和大家分享一下. 后续如有其它细节会陆续发布.

1.     时间:  2:00pm~5:00pm Sunday 1/29/2012
地点:Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center,  400 S. 2ND St., Renton, WA 98057

2.     演出报名的截止日期为11/15/2011. 报名地址:

3.     赞助:我们希望大家都来帮忙为我们的活动募款. 志愿为学校寻找赞助的人士, 或有意赞助我们此次活动的人士,或请与PTA联系:

The year of Dragon is coming! As a tradition we will celebrate our Chinese new year by having a great performance at NWCS. The CNY Performance Committee ( is calling for performance signups.

1.     Time2:00pm~5:00pm Sunday 1/29/2012
VenueRenton IKEA Performing Arts Center,  400 S. 2ND St., Renton, WA 98057

2.     The deadline for performance sign-up is 11/15/2011. Please send emails to  to sign up.

3.     Sponsoring the event: If you would like to sponsor or volunteer to look for sponsors please contact us at

PTA Weekly Services

NWCS Library
NWCS library is located near the admin desk. The hour is from 9:45am to 12:30pm . If you have checked out library materials before the summer, please return them during library hours so others can enjoy them.
We have DVD movies and TV series  including children's materials in the library. We also have the popular 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. All proceeds go to NWCS PTA.

Parent-On-Duty: (see class duty calendar for the entire semester)
This week (10/1/2011): AMclass 3E, PM: class 5D
Next time (10/8/2011):  AM:  class K-E,  PM: class 6C

讲座 (PTA Seminars)
主题 (subject): 家庭教育讲座 Family Education  主讲 (speaker):     程远教授  Prof. Cheng Yuan    
11AM–12PM              CLASSROOM 1112

本系列讲座由张老师理财团队对我校广大家长教师免费提供,每周六同一时段、同一教室开讲,本周讲座专题为『美国节税策略 (所得税解析)』主要会对美国2011~2012所得税及其他税率做一个全面性的解析,我们也会剖析美国经济及未来税率的走势同时提供节税及合法税的因应之道.
1PM-2PM                   CLASSROOM 1201

Prize Station:      
Open this week from 10:30am to 1pm.

Gift Certificates Sale:
News:   We added certificates from HMART, starting this week.
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (near admin table).  

Other Notifications:

           2011 西雅圖中國工程師學會 CIE/USA-Seattle MathComp and ScienceFun Program
CIE (Chinese Institute of Engineers) of Seattle has collaborated with NWCS for the past few years for its scholarship program and math/science competitions. We are happy to inform you that we have prepared a more exciting program for this year's math/science event.  It will be held at Sammamish High School (100 140th Ave S.E. Bellevue WA 98005) Cafeteria on Nov 6.  During the event, we also invited Dr. Min, Myunkee, an very experienced consultant for collage application, to talk about collage preparation and application.  Please see attached program flyer and registration form for event details. 

   Seattle Young Philharmonic 2011-2012 Season Opening Concert
            Please see attachment

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

NWCS PTA Weekly email 10/13/2011

Check out all NWCS PTA Weekly Email Archives on PTA Blog.

申请微软公司volunteer donation match的方法     Instructions on apply for Microsoft company match for your volunteer hours
The Microsoft tool can be found by going to http://give and clicking on the “Volunteer Manager” button.
When you access Volunteer Manager for the first time, you will be prompted to create a profile.  Following the creation of your profile, you will be able to enter the hours you volunteered by following these steps:
• Go to “Volunteer Activities” at the top of the page, and click on record hours
• Enter the name and/or other pertinent data about of your organization in the keyword field and search
• If the organization is found (Note that Northwest Chinese School is already registered in the system), it will appear below and you can select it and enter information in about the hours that you volunteered
You will be able to submit your hours for match each time you submit hours, and then the organization will verify that you volunteered those hours.  Following their verification by the organization, the hours will be sent to Microsoft for entrance into the payout process queue.

Weekly Services –

NWCS Library
NWCS library is located near the admin desk. The hour is from 9:45am to 12:30pm . If you have checked out library materials before the summer, please return them during library hours so others can enjoy them.
We have DVD movies and TV series  including children's materials in the library. We also have the popular 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. All proceeds go to NWCS PTA.

Parent-On-Duty: (see class duty calendar for the entire semester)
This week (10/1/2011): AMclass 3E, PM: class 5D
Next time (10/8/2011):  AM:  class K-E,  PM: class 6C

讲座 (PTA Seminars)
主题 (subject): 家庭教育讲座 Family Education  主讲 (speaker):     程远教授  Prof. Cheng Yuan    
11AM–12PM              CLASSROOM 1112

本系列讲座由张老师理财团队对我校广大家长教师免费提供,每周六同一时段、同一教室开讲,本周讲座专题为『美国节税策略 (所得税解析)』主要会对美国2011~2012所得税及其他税率做一个全面性的解析,我们也会剖析美国经济及未来税率的走势同时提供节税及合法税的因应之道.
1PM-2PM                   CLASSROOM 1201

Prize Station:      
Open this week from 10:30am to 1pm.

Gift Certificates Sale:  
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (near admin table).  

Other Notifications:

           2011 西雅圖中國工程師學會 CIE/USA-Seattle MathComp and ScienceFun Program
CIE (Chinese Institute of Engineers) of Seattle has collaborated with NWCS for the past few years for its scholarship program and math/science competitions. We are happy to inform you that we have prepared a more exciting program for this year's math/science event.  It will be held at Sammamish High School (100 140th Ave S.E. Bellevue WA 98005) Cafeteria on Nov 6.  During the event, we also invited Dr. Min, Myunkee, an very experienced consultant for collage application, to talk about collage preparation and application.  Please see attached program flyer and registration form for event details. 

     Seattle Young Philharmonic 2011-2012 Season Opening Concert
     Please see attachment


Friday, October 7, 2011

NWCS PTA Weekly email 10/06/2011

Check out all NWCS PTA Weekly Email Archives on PTA Blog.

Newport High本周六会有活动. cafeteria会被占用. 请平时坐在那里的家长有准备. 另外, 停车可能会比平日难在距教学楼较远的停车场停车反而会节省时间. 请大家早些到, 并避免在楼前拥堵. 最后, 请一定注意标识, 不要违章停车. 开学以来我们已有家长吃警察的罚单.
Newport High will have their Gymnastics East Meet event and occupy the cafeteria part of the commons. Parents please be aware. Also, to save you time finding a parking space, it’s a better idea to park far from the main building. Lastly, please abide by the parking sign and regulations to avoid tickets.

Volunteers Wanted

我们需要学生volunteer帮忙Prize StationLibrary. 时间可以商讨. 希望有意做义工的同学和PTA email联系.
We are in need of student volunteers to help with Prize Station and Library. Hours can be negotiable. Please email if you are interested.

另外学校PTA衷心欢迎有意愿帮学校建设得更好的人士加入我们的行列. 请看以下内容. 联系请email
Want to make the school a better place? Want to benefit your own children and others? Want to get to know a lot of people and have fun? Join us at school PTA!  We welcome anyone who are interested in these areas:
1.      PTA chair
2.      Event organizing ( e.g. parent seminars, etc. )
3.      Fund raising
4.      Communications ( such as this weekly email )
5.      Prize station/Library

申请微软公司volunteer donation match的方法     Instructions on apply for Microsoft company match for your volunteer hours
The Microsoft tool can be found by going to http://give and clicking on the “Volunteer Manager” button.
When you access Volunteer Manager for the first time, you will be prompted to create a profile.  Following the creation of your profile, you will be able to enter the hours you volunteered by following these steps:
• Go to “Volunteer Activities” at the top of the page, and click on record hours
• Enter the name and/or other pertinent data about of your organization in the keyword field and search
• If the organization is found (Note that Northwest Chinese School is already registered in the system), it will appear below and you can select it and enter information in about the hours that you volunteered
You will be able to submit your hours for match each time you submit hours, and then the organization will verify that you volunteered those hours.  Following their verification by the organization, the hours will be sent to Microsoft for entrance into the payout process queue.

请查看你的email地址是否有效  Please check if your email address is correct
我们每次发给全校的email总是有不少被退回. 同时又总有家长说没收到email. 我们的email 地址是从每个家庭在学校的账户中来的. 如果家长输入有误或换了邮件地址我们无从知道如何修改. 对于长期给我们产生退信的地址, 我们只好进行删除. 请各位家长登录->在学校的账户, 确认你留的所有地址均正确. 此举是确保大家能够收到我们的email. 如果你发现有家长根本不知学校email这回事, 请告之去学校网站登录. 另外, 我们强烈建议大家使用自己的个人邮箱. 使用公司邮箱不仅往往不符合公司的政策, 而且会造成邮件被拦截.

We keep getting bounced emails every time we send out a broadcast email. As the same time there’s complaints from some parents that they never got any emails. The email addresses we use are from the user accounts that you set up at our school’s website. If you don’t make it right, or change your emails, such thing happens and we can’t fix it for you. For repeat bounce emails, we’ll have to delete the email addresses in the user accounts. Please log in to your account and verify that if your email addresses are correct. Also, we strongly recommend using personal emails rather than work emails. Using work email is not only inappropriate according to company policies, often time it causes mail loss.

Weekly Services –

NWCS Library
NWCS library is located near the admin desk. The hour is from 9:15am to 12:30pm . If you have checked out library materials before the summer, please return them during library hours this Saturday.
We have DVD movies and TV series  including children's materials in the library. We also have the popular 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. All proceeds go to NWCS PTA.

Parent-On-Duty: (see class duty calendar for the entire semester)
This week (10/1/2011): AMclass 1A, PM: class K-C
Next time (10/8/2011):  AM:  class 3E,  PM: class 5D

讲座 (PTA Seminars)
主题 (subject): 家庭教育讲座 Family Education  主讲 (speaker):     程远教授  Prof. Cheng Yuan    
11AM–12PM              CLASSROOM 1113

本系列讲座由张老师理财团队对我校广大家长教师免费提供,每周六同一时段、同一教室开讲,本周讲座专题为『在万万税的国度中节税策略 (所得税解析)』主要会对美国2011~2012所得税及其他税率做一个全面性的解析,同时提供节税及合法税的因应之道.
1PM-2PM                   CLASSROOM 1201

Prize Station:      
Currently closed until volunteers are found to open it

Gift Certificates Sale:  
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (near admin table).

Other Notifications:

大型邓丽君经典金曲晚会《漫步人生路》Forever Teresa Teng 
西雅图歌舞团将于今年十一月十二日7PM 能容纳千人以上的 Westminster Chapel 举办一场 大型邓丽君经典金曲晚会。这场晚会是自西雅图歌舞团首演《山歌好比春江水》成功以来的又一场大型演出。它将汇集 来自本地和加拿大的专业歌唱家,演奏家以及长期活跃在本地舞台上的歌/舞演员。西歌的专业制作团队将以不同的形式来演绎人们最喜爱的邓丽君经典歌曲,给您带来最温馨的回忆和最美好的享受。详情请点击:

为了感谢西北中文学校的大力支持,西雅图歌舞团将于这周六(10/89:30am-1:00pm在西北中文学校出售部分演出票。西北中文学校家长/学生优惠票价为$10一张(原单价$15)。售票点将设在Admin Desk附近。欢迎尽速购票!
Westminster Chapel地址:13646 NE 24th Street, Bellevue, WA 98005


西雅图华人歌友会将于20111015日星期六在 Mercer Island Presbyterian Church 举办《岁月如歌》金秋演唱会,届时将邀请五月合唱团加盟同台演出。

地址:3605 84th Ave.SE,  Mercer IslandWA98040
订票请联系: Frank Jiang: 425-965-8050
