Friday, March 25, 2011

NWCS PTA Weekly Email 3/24/2011

Check out PTA blogs at:

捐助日本地震海啸的灾民  ( Help the people in Japan in earthquake and tsunami disaster )
上周有不少同学和家长来到我们在PTA table设立的捐款箱, 对地震海啸灾难中的人们献出自己的爱心. 谢谢!  本周我们仍然会设捐款箱, 对于不介意tax deduction的捐项, 希望大家来PTA Table. 钱数不在多少, 在于提供爱心. 各位家长, 这也是对孩子的一种品德与爱的教育.  欢迎你们和孩子一起来, 参与到奉献的活动中来. 对于数额较大, 或有税务考虑的捐款, 我们推荐大家去 选择自己满意的机构.
Many students and parents came to PTA table last week to donate for the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief. Thank you!  This week we’ll still set up the donation box to welcome small donations. For larger amount or for tax deduction purpose, we recommend for you to consider.

我校书画作品在Sammamish City Hall 的展览已圆满结束,并得到了很高的评价,他们给每个参展者送一张谢卡。这周六(9/26, 9:30 -1:00),请大家前来学校 PTA 处领回作品和卡。

河北杂技团访问西雅图表演 ( Acrobat Show by Chinese Acrobats of Hebei )
对已经在PTA预订演出票的家庭, 我们本周开始收票款. 请大家到PTA table交款. 预计再下一次学校上课时我们可以把票发给大家. 5月8日7pm 及 5月9日 1:30pm尚可接受预订. 请有意购买但尚未预定的家长给PTA回email.
We will start collecting ticket payments for the Chinese acrobat show this coming Saturday at PTA table. We estimate that we can get the tickets on the next school day. It’s still possible to book the tickets for 5/8 7pm and 5/9 1:30pm show. Please email PTA if you wish to do so.

中国签证服务 ( Chinese Visa Service )
暑期将至, 想要回中国度假的家庭往往需要办中国签证. 为给大家提供方便, PTA将于四月底或五月初请签证代办机构到学校来接受大家的签证申请. 具体时间稍后通知. 另外, 对于需要中国护照服务的家庭, 我们过些时候会提供有关信息到哪里办理.
Summer break is on people’s radar, which means there will be a wave of Chinese visa applications coming soon. To provide convenience to everyone, PTA will invite certain agency to collect applications at our school in late April or early May. We will notify everyone about the details in the near future. Also, for people who want Chinese passport service, we will notify you about the time and location when we get concrete information about that.

Weekly Services -
1.   Parent-On-Duty:
This week (3/26/2011): AM  class K-E, PM: class 5C
Next time (4/9/2011):   AM:  class Pre-A,  PM: class 7C

2.   讲座(PTA Seminars)
主题 (subject):          Beauty Seminar - Young Forever
Angela Han is a former Chinese class teacher in NWCS. She is an experienced beauty and fashion professional. In the 2nd session of Beauty Seminar, Angela will continue her presentation of "Young forever".
    1. Different skin type needs different skincare.
    2. Quick Makeup-Method
    3. Q&A
主讲 (speaker):       Angela Han   
地点 (location):        Room #1112
时间 (time):             11:00 - 12:00pm

主题 (subject):         家庭教育讲座系列
主讲 (speaker):       程远 教授
地点 (location):        Room #1111
时间 (time):             11:00 - 12:00pm

3.   NWCS Library:
All DVDs borrowed this week will last for 2 weeks. You don’t need to return them until 4/9 after the spring break.Come to our library and check out movies and TV series, including new Children's DVDs. We also have 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. Our library station is located next to the admin desk. The hours are from 9:30am to 12:30pm.  All proceeds go to NWCS PTA.

4.   Prize Station:
     Open from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm.

5.   Gift Certificates Sale:
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (Next to Library).

* Seattle Branch:  There will be gift cerrtificate sales starting this coming Saturday at Seattle  branch. Please check it out there.


Friday, March 18, 2011

NWCS PTA Weekly Email 3/17/2011

PTA This week (PTA Blogs:

捐助日本地震海啸的灾民  ( Help the people in Japan in earthquake and tsunami disaster )

一周以来, 全世界都在关注着日本. 巨大自然灾害瞬间夺走了成千上万人的生命, 更多的人无家可归. 直到现在, 灾难仍在继续而且可能扩大. 这是一场全人类的灾难. 作为相对幸运的我们, 对那些受到严重伤害, 和那些仍顽强地拯救自己与他人的人们伸以援手, 是善行, 是责任, 也是帮助我们自己.  PTA代表学校向全校的家庭及朋友呼吁, 大家献出爱心, 给在日本的人们支援.

鉴于操作上(对款项流向的处理及监控) 以及对大家税务方面的考虑, 我们推荐以下慈善网站. 大家可以选择其中的某个机构向其捐款:

其中, 大家最熟悉的是US Red Cross. 为大家方便我们把link放在这里:

这些机构会提供tax deduction的凭证. 如果一些公司可以提供company match则更好.

另外, PTA也会在PTA table 处设立捐款箱, 方便大家小额捐献. 收集后总款项, 我们会通过 SeattleJapanRelief 捐给其中一个机构.

对于不介意tax deduction的捐项, 希望大家来PTA Table. 钱数不在多少, 在于提供爱心. 各位家长, 这也是对孩子的一种品德与爱的教育欢迎你们和孩子一起来, 参与到奉献的活动中来.

最后, 我们希望召集几个愿意volunteer的孩子, 帮我们在PTA table收集大家的捐献. 希望有意的同学给我们发email联系.

To help the people in the recent earthquake and tsunami tragedy in Japan, we recommend the following organizations for you to donate to:

We will also set up a donation box at PTA table when school’s open. If you don’t need to get tax deductions for your donation, you are welcome to donate there. The money we collect will be passed to  We also welcome a couple of volunteers to take care of the donation box. Please contact PTA if you would like to help.

MS Matching Fund Claims
We periodically receive Microsoft Matching Fund for cash donation or volunteer work from Microsoftees. Thank you Microsoft volunteers! The fund will go to PTA and class funds that the volunteers designate to. However sometimes we have difficulty finding the right volunteer for a certain matching fund. Please contact Xu Min at if you would like to check if your fund has arrived or has properly transferred to your class fund.

河北杂技团访问西雅图表演 ( Acrobat Show by Chinese Acrobats of Hebei )
我们的58 3pm的票已售馨现在还可以订7pm 59 1:30pm的票. 请有意购买但尚未预定的家长给PTAemail.

2011 年南京大学海外青少年夏令营
今年夏天南京大学在南京举办为期三周的海外青少年夏令营. 主要面向南大校友家庭, 有少量名额提供给所有人. 有兴趣者可以参看附件.

Weekly Services -
1.    Parent-On-Duty:
This week (3/19/2011): AMclass K-B, PM: class 6C
Next time (3/26/2011): AM:  class K-E, PM: class 5C

2.    讲座 (PTA Seminars)

主题 (subject):         不得不知教育系列1-行車安全:談如何預防車禍受傷
Something-you-need-to-know Education Series 1: Drive Safety
Before your child start to drive- How to prevent Car Accident Injury
主讲 (speaker):       Dr. Esther Cheng, DC    
地点 (location):        #1112教室
时间 (time):             11:00 - 12:00pm

Contents: Modern epidemic, Whiplash injury, Biomechanics of LOSRIC, Risk assessment, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention, Car Insurance option.

主题 (subject):         家庭教育讲座系列
主讲 (speaker):       程远 教授
地点 (location):        #1111教室
时间 (time):             11:00 - 12:00pm

3.    NWCS Library:
All DVDs borrowed this week will last for 3 weeks. You don’t need to return them until 4/9 after the spring break.
Come to our library and check out movies and TV series, including new Children's DVDs. We also have 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. Our library station is located next to the admin desk. The hours are from 9:30am to 12:30pm.  All proceeds go to NWCS PTA

4.    Prize Station:
      Open from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm.

5.    Gift Certificates Sale:  
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (Next to Library).



Friday, March 11, 2011

NWCS PTA Weekly Email 3/10/2011

PTA This week:

1.  河北杂技团访问西雅图表演 ( Acrobat Show by Chinese Acrobats of Hebei )

上周的通知发出以后有不少家长回信订票. 我们已和剧场协商, 以下是我们能提供给大家的价格:

a.     May 8th at 3:00 PM - $30 adult and $20 youth   --à $24 adult, $18 youth
b.     May 8th at 7:00 PM- $30 adult and $20 youth    --à $24 adult, $18 youth
c.     May 9th (Monday) at 1:30 PM - $9 all tickets      --à $8 all tickets
d.    Service charge per ticket:  $3                           --à waived.

如果还有有意购买门票的家庭或个人, 请向PTAemail告知人数(分大人和孩子)和场次. (8 3pm的场可能加购较难)

另外, 剧场和我们准备在58号安排一个由我们学校的同学与杂技团的演员们(多为十几岁)共同参与的免费晚餐. 这是一个让孩子们接触演员, 并锻炼中文,交往的好机会. 尤其是如果孩子们刚看过3:00pm的演出, 会有不少感兴趣的话题进行交流. 一周的报名已经接近我们计划的人数, 可以再接受少量报名. 我们希望出席的孩子有一定的中文交流能力. 演员们在陌生的环境里,可能会有些腼腆.希望我们的孩子们能带动他们, 让他们感到放松和开心.

Regarding the show by the Chinese Acrobats of Hebei at Kirkland Performing Arts Center, many parents have contacted PTA to make reservations. As a group purchase PTA has negotiated the price down with KPC. Please see above price update for information. If you would like to buy tickets but haven’t emailed PTA to reserve, please do so. ( Please note that seats in the 5/8 3pm slot may be limited )

Also, we would like to host a community luncheon with the Chinese Acrobats of Hebei and our students.  It would be offered free of charge.  The purpose is to give our students an opportunity to speak Mandarin with a professional troupe of traveling artists.  We also feel that the acrobats’ visit to Kirkland will be made more special by meeting members of the local community (their English is limited and have few chances to meet their audiences while on tour). The luncheon will be held after the 3:00pm show.  Please contact PTA if you and/or your family are interested. We are mostly full but can take a few more people.

2.  春节节目DVD   ( DVD of NWCS CNY Show )
我们会再制作一些春节联欢的DVD. 有意购买的家长请本周到PTA desk购买, $5一张
We’ll have some more CNY DVDs for people to buy. $5 per disc at PTA desk.
3.  School Website Update
Check out the new additions to our school website at
1).      Under School PTA, check out the PTA Blogs. All the PTA weekly emails this year are archived there.
2).      Under School PTA, Volunteer Time Logging link is added. Volunteers please log your volunteer time there for company matching purpose.
3).      Under School PTA, a Parent-On-Duty calendar is added. Class PTA leaders, please use it to know when your class is on duty.
4).      Under School Life -> School Activity (event), we added more pictures of CNY event.

4.  Parent-On-Duty:
This week (3/12/2011): AMclass Enrichment Math 1, PM: class 4D
Next time (3/19/2011): AM:  class K-B, PM: class 5C

5.  讲座 (PTA Seminars)

主题 (subject):         经济恢复中的房地产投资策略
主讲 (speaker):       Shelly Hu
Session 1:   11:00 - 12:30pm Room: 1112
Session 2:     1:00 -  2:15pm Room: 1110

The two sessions have the same content. The seminar will cover the topics that people most interested, such as:

What is real estate cycle? How to take advance of the cycle to make big money?
What is current real estate market looks like? And what the economic data says?
Is it the time to buy or invest finally?
The mortgage rate’s impact to the real estate.
The secret of getting best deals of the purchase?
How to buy bank owned and short sale? What is the pitfalls  of such transaction? How to avoid those pitfalls?
How to become a good landlord?

主题 (subject):         家庭教育讲座系列
主讲 (speaker):       程远 教授
地点 (location):        #1111教室
时间 (time):             11:00 - 12:00pm

6.  NWCS Library

Come to our library and check out movies and TV series, including new Children's DVDs. We also have 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. Our library station is located next to the admin desk. The hours are from 9:30am to 12:30pm.  All proceeds go to NWCS PTA

7.  Prize Station:
      Open from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm.

8.  Gift Certificates Sale:  
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (Next to Library).



Thursday, March 3, 2011

NWCS PTA Weekly Email 3/3/2011

PTA This week:

1.  河北杂技团访问西雅图表演 ( Acrobat Show by Chinese Acrobats of Hebei )

中国河北有杂技的悠久传统, 尤其是沧州吴桥被誉为杂技之乡”. 今年五月初西雅图地区会迎来河北杂技团来美国巡演的一站五月8,9两日, Kirkland Performing Arts Center 将有他们的精彩演出.

西北中文学校PTA准备和剧场合作, 安排购买团体票, 以让大家得以观赏, 并得到一点价格优惠. 以下是零售票价. 另外剧场每张收$3 服务费.
a.      May 8th at 3:00 PM - $30 adult and $20 youth
b.      May 8th at 7:00 PM- $30 adult and $20 youth
c.      May 9th (Monday) at 1:30 PM - $9 all tickets
请有意购买门票的家庭或个人向PTAemail告知人数(分大人和孩子). 如果我们有足够多的人数, 就可以在价格及服务费上有所优惠. 请有意者尽快回信. 83:00pm的空位已经不多了.

另外, 剧场和我们准备在58号安排一个由我们学校的同学与杂技团的演员们(多为十几岁)共同参与的免费晚餐. 这是一个让孩子们接触演员, 并锻炼中文,交往的好机会. 尤其是如果孩子们刚看过3:00pm的演出, 会有不少感兴趣的话题进行交流. 请有意参与的家庭和PTA联系.

There will be a performance this May by the Chinese Acrobats of Hebei at Kirkland Performing Arts Center.

NWCS PTA and KPC will work together on group sale arrangements for three performances.  Group sales involve a discount (TBD depending on the number of interested families) and a cap on ticket fees:
a.      May 8th at 3:00 PM - $30 adult and $20 youth
b.      May 8th at 7:00 PM- $30 adult and $20 youth
c.      May 9th (Monday) at 1:30 PM - $9 all tickets
Information about the show can be found here:

Also, we would like to host a community luncheon with the Chinese Acrobats of Hebei and our students.  It would be offered free of charge.  The purpose is to give our students an opportunity to speak Mandarin with a professional troupe of traveling artists.  We also feel that the acrobats’ visit to Kirkland will be made more special by meeting members of the local community (their English is limited and have few chances to meet their audiences while on tour). The luncheon will be held after the 3:00pm show.  Please contact PTA if you and/or your family are interested. 

2.  春节节目DVD   ( DVD of NWCS CNY Show )
上周我们准备的春节联欢DVD销售一空, 造成有些家长没有买到. 本周我们会再制作一些供大家购买. 请到PTA desk, $5一张
Last week our DVDs of NWCS Chinese New Year Show were sold out. This week we’ll have some more for people to buy. $5 per disc at PTA desk.
3. 失物招领  (Lost & Found)
上周六在学校大厅里遗留下一个孩子的书包, 黑色并有红黄颜色的图案. 还有一个折叠的小搬运车. 请失主和PTA联系领取.
There was a kid’s backpack left at school’s commons area last Saturday. It’s black in color with red and yellow touches. Also there was a small foldable carrier. Please contact PTA if you are the owner.

4.  Parent-On-Duty:

This week (3/05/2011): AMclass 12A, PM: class 4C
Next time (3/12/2011): AM:  class Enrichment Math 1, PM: class 4D

5. 讲座    (PTA Seminars)

主题 (subject):         经济恢复中的房地产投资策略
主讲 (speaker):       Shelly Hu
Session 1:   11:00 - 12:30pm Room: 1112
Session 2:   1:00 -  2:15pm Room: 1110

The two sessions have the same content. The seminar will cover the topics that people most interested, such as:

What is real estate cycle? How to take advance of the cycle to make big money?
What is current real estate market looks like? And what the economic data says?
Is it the time to buy or invest finally?
The mortgage rate’s impact to the real estate.
The secret of getting best deals of the purchase?
How to buy bank owned and short sale? What is the pitfalls  of such transaction? How to avoid those pitfalls?
How to become a good landlord?

主题 (subject):         家庭教育讲座系列
主讲 (speaker):       程远 教授
地点 (location):        #1111教室
时间 (time):             11:00 - 12:00pm

6NWCS Library-New Children’s DVDs are here!

Come to our library and check out movies and TV series, including new Children's DVDs. We also have 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. Our library station is located next to the admin desk. The hours are from 9:30am to 12:30pm.  All proceeds go to NWCS PTA

7.   Prize Station:
      Open from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm. New items this week.

8.   Gift Certificates Sale:  
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (Next to Library).

