Monday, May 27, 2013

NWCS PTA weekly communications 5/2/2013


1.    二手图书和DVD展销在周六截止Last Sat of the PTA used book fair
2.    教师感恩日Teacher Appreciation Day
3.    最后四周购买超市礼卷 Buy store gift certificates before they are gone
4.    免费财经讲座 Free financial seminars
5.    西雅图歌舞团《穿越时空的歌声 - 中外名曲荟萃》
6.    家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty  (AM 2B; PM 1-C)
7.    日程表 For your calendar 

Last Saturday of the PTA Used Book Fair 10am - 1pm
我们将在本星期六 54日举行本学年最后一次二手图书和 DVD展销,为学校PTA筹款。PTA为我校的孩子,家长和老师筹办更多更丰富的活动内容。如果您有不再需要的电影DVD和图书,可在当天带来把它捐给学校PTA。我们接受尚持完好状况的二手儿童,少儿和成人读物,游戏,电影。请不要捐杂志或玩具。如果您有时间为展销会服务,请和 联系。The NWCS PTA will be  holding its 2nd Used Book Fair on Saturday  5/4. You may still bring your used books and DVD to donate on those days.  We accept used books in good condition, from picture books, to early reader, chapter books, and even grown-up books, puzzles, games and movies. Please no magazines, or toys. If you are available to help at the sale, please contact for more details.      
三人之行,必有我师 Teacher Appreciation – A new PTA tradition starts next Saturday!
无论社会再发达,老师历来是中国文化里最受到尊敬的职业。才子满天下又是老师一生中最值得骄傲的荣誉和财富。PTA代表全校的学生和家长,在下星期六为我们辛苦耕耘了一年的老师们准备了可口的咖啡点心和三明治 (10:30-12:30),以此表达我们发自内心的感激,说声 谢谢你了,老师!” This year PTA decided to start a new school tradition. We will be organizing a Teacher Appreciation brunch to express our heartfelt thanks to all the NWCS teachers for their hard work and teach our children every Saturday, rain or shine.  Teachers, please come to enjoy a relaxing moment with some delicious food and drinks at the PTA desk from 10:30 – 12:30. PTA Leads, please inform your teacher and come to be your teacher’s host. If you have any questions or want to help, please contact or for the Seattle campus.
请尽快购买超市礼卷 First come first serve – All remainder gift certificates will be sold by June 1st
PTA为班级筹款的途径之一就是销售本地几家华人商场的礼卷, 每张面额的5%会回到购买者相应的班费作为活动经费。随着学年底的到来,本学年度的礼卷销售也将随之结束。为了增加你孩子班里的活动经费,请在6月一日前到PTA值勤处购买你需要的礼卷,先到先得,售完即止。
One of the ways for PTA to raise funds for class activities is through the sale of gift certificates from local Chinese supermarkets, whereby 5% of the face value of the certificates go to the class designated by the buyer.  As the school year comes to a close, so does the sale of store gift certificates.  To increase the amount of class fund for your children's class, please come to the PTA parent-on-duty desk to purchase the gift certificate that you need by June 1.  The gift certificates are on a first-come, first-served basis, but are gone when all is sold.

免费财经讲座 Free financial seminars
免责声明所有参与投资理财演讲的家长,应考虑投资本身的风险性,斟酌决定自己投资的可能性。西北中文学校提供演讲的场地,核实主讲人公司和其公众演讲许可证明,对家长个人投资错误或演讲内容误差一概不负任何责任。Parents who participate financial planning seminars should evaluate his or her own risk tolerance level and possibility before doing any investments.  NWCS provides classrooms for presenters, review and confirm each presenter’s company and their approved public appearance. NWCS is not responsible for any individual investment loss or errors in presenter’s materials.
A.   菁英投资退休计划 如何轻松支付退休后高额医疗及健保支出? 我们在上半堂课程将会就最近金价的剧烈震荡为大家做分析,如何找到适当的投资机会,下半堂课我们则会分析退休后面对日渐高涨的健康保险及个人医疗支出,如何应用聪明的策略以最少的成本支付未来高额医疗及健康保险的支出,享受一个有钱有闲的退休生活!
主讲: Albert Chang
时间: 5/4 from 11:00 – 12pm
地点: Room 1201
B.   透视美国金融与房地产趋势 第一部(策略篇):金融风暴元凶大揭密; 美国房地产走势; 第二部(实战篇):投资VS理财; GMAB.
主讲: Larry Kuo
时间: 5/4 from 12:00 – 1pm
地点: Room 1201
C.   教育基金和退休金401K的保护 你是否想知道:1. 教育基金都有哪些不同的计划? 哪些计划适用于不同的家庭状况?2. 是否应该给孩子开教育基金?哪些program影响孩子申请financial aid? 3. 退休计划有哪些?4. 如何在市场下跌时保护401(k), 403(b)退休金不至缩水?5. 如何统筹规划孩子上学,退休,买房子的规划?
主讲: Dave Wong
时间: 5/4 from 12:00 – 1pm
地点: Room 1103

优惠票 - 西雅图歌舞团《穿越时空的歌声 - 中外名曲荟萃》
Tickets only at $10 or $15 for NWCS Community
继《山歌好比春江水》,《邓丽君经典金曲晚会》 及《梦江南》 演出成功后,西雅图歌舞团将于518日推出一年一度的大型音乐歌舞晚会-《穿越时空的歌声中 外名曲荟萃》。西歌的专业制作团队将以强大的演员阵容和精彩的节目,一流的背景设计和舞台效果,出色的音响和灯光设置为观众带来美好的享受和快乐的夜晚。 中外著名专业歌唱家和活跃在本地歌坛上的知名歌手将向观众呈现大家都非常熟悉的,不同年代的中外歌剧名曲和名歌。西歌舞蹈队也将献上精彩的舞蹈和伴舞。为 了感谢NWCS的支持,西歌将提供NWCS家长/老师/学生最优惠的票价:每张$10 (regular $15) $15 (regular $25)。非对号入座。欢迎您周六在PTA Desk 附近购票!”Sounds of the World “performance date/time and location: Saturday May 18 7PM at Westminster Chapel(13646 NE 24th Street, Bellevue). Discounted tickets price for NWCS: $10 and $15. For more information please contact Tony Yang at 425-445-8885 or

家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty
The next classes for parent-on-duty are as follows:
           May 04             AM - 2B;  PM - 1-C

Each class will need 2 parents for safety patrol, and 2 parents for the gift certificate sales.  AM refers to classes starting at 9am, and PM refers to classes starting at 12noon.  PTA Leads, please inform the parents of the specific duties and procedures.

Please take a look at the overall class duty calendar to know your class' scheduled date, and prepare to organize the parent duties about 2 weeks ahead of time. If you have any questions or your role has been transferred to other parents, please contact Minggang Li at:

日程表  For your calendar 

04 NWCS Used Book Fair
04 Principal election public hearing at the Newport High lobby
04 Free financial seminars
11 Teacher Appreciation 10:30 – 12:30
12 Mother’s Day (Don’t forget to use the Amazon link below to order Mom’s favorites!)
18 Parenting seminar
25 No school – Memorial day
01 Last day of Asian store gift certificate sales
15 Last school day
16 Sunday NWCS Year End Summer Picnic
Important links:
Click on this link Shop at! ONLY when you shop through this link, our school will earn 4-10% free money from Amazon.
Log your volunteer hours if your company pays for your volunteer hours

For previous PTA announcements, please visit

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