Thursday, November 10, 2011


Check out all NWCS PTA Weekly Email Archives on PTA Blog

本周无课, 祝老师, 同学和家长们过一个放松愉快的周末!
There is no school this week. Have a great holiday weekend!

怎样有效地为本班级筹集到活动经费是大家都关心的话题. 本周利用无课的机会, 我们给大家重温一下这方面的一些tips:

为学校及班级捐献的方法 Ways to donate to the school and classes:
如果想为学校或班级给予经济上的捐助, 有几种办法:
·       直接捐款. 可以和PTAAdmin联系 ( email:, )
·       有的公司(如微软)提供volunteer matching program. 可以就你在学校的volunteer时间向公司申请match. 另外请记得在学校的志愿者工作时间登记表上做记录.
·       购买学校出售的大华, 百佳, 晶晶, HMART等的礼券. 商家捐献6%的金额给你指定的班级.

Tips for contributing to your class and school:
·       Direct donation to school or class. Please contact PTA or admin. ( email:, )
·       Some companies like Microsoft match your volunteering hours at NWCS with monetary donation. If your company does, please make sure you make the matching request if you volunteered at NWCS, and log your hours here: -> Volunteer time logs
·       Buy gift certificates sold at school and your class benefits from it ( 6% of your purchase ).

申请微软公司volunteer donation match的方法     Instructions on apply for Microsoft company match for your volunteer hours
The Microsoft tool can be found by going to http://give and clicking on the “Volunteer Manager” button.
When you access Volunteer Manager for the first time, you will be prompted to create a profile.  Following the creation of your profile, you will be able to enter the hours you volunteered by following these steps:
• Go to “Volunteer Activities” at the top of the page, and click on record hours
• Enter the name and/or other pertinent data about of your organization in the keyword field and search
• If the organization is found (Note that Northwest Chinese School is already registered in the system), it will appear below and you can select it and enter information in about the hours that you volunteered
You will be able to submit your hours for match each time you submit hours, and then the organization will verify that you volunteered those hours.  Following their verification by the organization, the hours will be sent to Microsoft for entrance into the payout process queue.


无线上网 WiFi internet
我们为大厅里的家长们提供免费无线上网已过了一年了. 近来随着用户的增长原有的router无法承担现有的流量, 造成近一两月用户很难连接或网速太慢. 为解决此困难PTA已经升级了router. 在前两周的试用期效果良好. 大家可以重新正常使用互联网了. 不过我们的带宽及可同时服务的设备毕竟有限, 希望大家不要用数据量大的应用, 不需要上网的时候请断开PTA网络.
We have been providing free wifi internet to the parents in the hallway for over a year now. The old router can’t support the increasing traffic well. To solve the problem we have upgraded the router and now the user experience is much better. However since our bandwidth is still very limited, please avoid using data-intensive applications with our network, and please disconnect from the network when you don’t need it.

图书馆 Library
鉴于图书馆的使用量较少, 从下周起我们每隔一周开放一次图书馆. 这样有些借阅时间也可相应延长.
Starting next week the library opens every other week.

            Fund-raising for Chinese New Year Performance
We would like to have everyone’s help to raise money for our upcoming Chinese new year event. If you would like to sponsor,  or would like to help find sponsors for the event please contact We have detailed information for you to use.

Chinese Community News:

在西雅图华夏之声合唱 9/24 演出中,仅排练了四周的小演员们在谢蕴言老师的指导下,为观众送去精彩的演出。 演出见链接: 小鸟天堂
演出结束后,许多家长都询问是否有长期开展童声合唱团的可能性。谢老师在经过一段时间的考虑后,决定试行一下。如果办得好,家长和孩子都满意, 就长期办下去。对于已经通过Audition的并参加演出的小朋友,无需再通过考试就可以直接加入。对于没有参加Audition的小朋友, 我们将安排Audition时间, 通过Audition后方可加入。本次Audition主要针对8-14没有变声的小朋友。如果有特别优秀的6岁以上的孩子也可以考虑。
Audition地点:Mercer Island Covenant Church. 3200 78th Ave SE, Mercer Island
童声合唱团将发挥谢老师在童声指导及多年音乐教育上的特长 -- 在教授小朋友新歌的以准备未来演出的同时,着重于识谱,视唱,节奏和音准等多方面的音乐理论训练。谢老师希望能建立一支能与西雅图其它专业童声合唱团水平相当的华人孩子的合唱团。
试行期间 6 堂课 $50 - 所有演出之前彩排不再另外收费 - 所以基本上是收运营成本。谢老师希望更多有音乐天赋的孩子能接触合唱。并通过合唱这种艺术形式在提高孩子音乐素质的同时,培养孩子的团队精神。由于收费很低,加上合唱不仅需要会唱,还要互相磨合。因此谢老师鼓励小朋友不要缺课。如果有小朋友有事无法来上课,原则上不退款。如果老师因故不能上某节课,会提前通知大家更改时间。所有课程将避开主要节日。
授课时间: 11/20/11 12/4/1112/11/11 1/8/12 1/15/121/22/12 - Sundays - 6:00~7:00pm
授课地点: MercerIsland Covenant Church - 3200 78th Ave SE, Mercer Island- same as the audition location
Seattle Kids Chorus


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