Thursday, September 15, 2011

NWCS PTA Weekly Email 09/15/2011

各位家长, 同学, 欢迎回到西北中文学校!   Welcome back to NWCS!

学生注册  Class Registration
本周六是开学第一天, 人流量大, 又要办各种手续. 望大家有所准备. 这里有几点建议供参考:

1.      老生请在网上注册课程, 并打印出注册报告带到学校缴费. 新生也有表格可以从该网页下载事先填好.
2.      学校会在办公区域有明显的分区. 新生和老生分开. 另外在老生区域分已有注册报告和无注册报告的队列. 已有注册报告会显著加快办理速度, 希望家长充分利用这一点节省自己的排队时间.
3.      教材领取处也会有明显颜色标识, 方便大家找到所需的教材.
4.      教室安排在这里.
5.      早些到校以方便停车.

It’s the opening day this coming Saturday. A big crowd is expected and here are some tips for you to shorten your wait time for class registration:

1.      Please go to the online registration site here-> 网上注册课程. Returning students please register online and print out the report page. Bring them with your payments to the school. New students can also download necessary forms and fill them out in advance.
2.      There will be separate sections at school admin area for returning students  and new students. Also there will be different lines for who have the registration reports and who don’t.  Having a registration report in hand will get you a faster line.
3.      There will be colored sections at text book pick-up for you to quickly find the appropriate text books.
4.      The class room assignment can be found here -> 这里.

成人舞蹈班 NWCS Parents Dancing classes
For all parents who are interested in taking dancing lessons, please join the following two classes offered free to NWCS parents:
9am to 11am: Ballroom Dancing Class (国标舞). Teacher: Wu, Jun Ying
1pm to 2pm: Chinese Dancing Class (民族舞). Teacher: He, Lu
For detailed information please refer to all members' email from NWCS Admin.

PTA 永远欢迎志愿者. 希望有意为学校贡献力量的人士和PTA联系 (回此email即可). 在你们孩子的班级也请踊跃参与对本班的帮助并选出班级的PTA lead. 另外学校PTA准备在开学过后一段时间选举新的主席. 望大家推荐或自荐人选至

另外, 现在就有一个具体的对志愿者的需求:
We need one or two college students to help volunteer in our math class in Seattle Branch. Time is every Sat. from 2:30 PM -4:30PM. If any college students would apply for volunteering, please email Seattle branch principal Min Huang at .

Regular PTA Activities:  - skipped this week
例行的 PTA 活动, 例如 图书馆, 礼券, 奖品站, 讲座等, 本周暂不启动. 下周起会逐步恢复.

PTA Weekly Email
新开学mailing list一定会有变动, 但需要过一段时间才会更改完全. 如有本该从list里除去的名字和地址, 请和我们指出, 但需耐心的等几周. 谢谢.
Our broadcast email list will get updates after the school opens. If you want to get your name removed from it please let us know, but bear with us and wait for a few weeks for most of the updates settle down. Thank you.

Why Learn Chinese Competition
There will be a “Why Learn Chinese Competition”, hosted by Washington Association For Chinese Education, starting Oct 1st through Oct. 31th. Write an essay or submit a song, poem or speech to win up to $500!  Please see attachment for details.

太极拳是有益的健身运动, 也是中国国粹. 这里给大家介绍一个在微软附近的杨氏太极拳馆. 望对大家平时有用. 请参阅附件. 另外家长所交学费有一部分会被用于赞助学校和孩子的班级, 类似于我们已有的礼券制度.


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