Thursday, January 13, 2011

Chinese New Year Celebration Event Information 1/7/2011

Happy Chinese new year of Rabbit! Come join the fun of watching our own kids and adults perform, game plays, and prizes!



1.      时间: 1:30pm~5:00pm Sunday 2/6/2011
地点: Northshore Performing Arts Center,  9130 Northeast 180th Street, Bothell, WA 98011-2837  ( Performance )
               Bothell High School Commons  ( Games, next to NPAC )
活动分两部分,1:30pm~3:00pm为演出。地点在NPAC 3pm~5pm为游乐,在隔壁的Bothell High SchoolCommons

2.      演出报名的截止日期是明天,1/8/2011. 如果还有要报名的请给pta@nwchinese.orgemail。要快!

3.      报名节目的audition订于下周六,1/15下午举行。我们会在报名截止后很快给每个报名节目的联系人发email通知。如果你报了名但下周一尚未收到通知,请即刻和我们联系。

4.      有关游乐部分的内容, 请参见附件。记住个别活动要提前报名参加。每个活动都有奖品哟!

5.      学校会在演出期间颁发日前举办的书画展的优胜者奖品。我们也会举办幸运抽奖。今年的幸运大奖是两位免费七天中国江南游!看看谁的运气最好!

6.      门票: 从明天,1/8起开始出售。请到平时卖store certificatesPTA table购买。票价为 每张 $5 。卖完为止。活动当天如果尚有空间可以容纳,门口票价为$8.  希望大家及早购买。 如果无法在学校开课的时候来校购买,请与我们email联系。

7.      Volunteering:演出和游乐均需要大量的志愿者帮忙。我们已经接到不少家长和学生的报名(谢谢!),我们也永远欢迎新志愿者的加入。附件里列出了可能需要人手的地方。 本着“众人拾柴火焰高”的PTA宗旨,我们希望尽可能多的人参与,而每个人不需要付出很多。 对于此次活动,对多数志愿者我们只需要你活动当天两个小时的时间。 对于想多做一些community services的年轻人,我们也可以给你们多安排一些事情。 请家长和同学们考虑。

8.      赞助:有意赞助我们此次活动,或志愿为学校寻找赞助的人士请与PTA联系。

Hi everyone,

We have some great information to share with you, about the upcoming celebration of Chinese new year at NWCS:

1.      Time 1:30pm~5:00pm Sunday 2/6/2011
Venue Northshore Performing Arts Center,  9130 Northeast 180th Street, Bothell, WA 98011-2837  ( Performance )
               Bothell High School Commons  ( Games, next to NPAC )
There are two parts:  1:30pm~3:00pm Performance at NPAC 3pm~5pm Gamesat the neighboring Bothell High School Commons.

2.      The deadline for performance sign-up is tomorrow1/8/2011. Please send emails to for last minute sign-up.

3.      The audition of the performances is set on 1/15pm.  We will email each contact person about the details soon after sign-up deadline. If you signed up but don’t get the email by Monday please contact us.

4.      Please see attachment for information on the Games part. Keep in mind that some activities may require sign-up in advance. Besides the fun, there’s prize for every activity!

5.      We’ll have lucky draws during the performance. The grand prize this year is a 7-day Southern China Tour for two! Good luck!

6.      Tickets:  for sale starting tomorrow 1/8.  Please go to the PTA table (where store certificates are sold) to purchase.  Price:  $5.  If there’s still room available on the event day, there will be tickets available at the door for $8 each.

7.      VolunteeringWe always welcome volunteers to help, especially for such event which requires a lot of helping hands. In the attachment you can see what areas we may use your help and please consider contributing 2 hours of time on the event day.  We especially encourage young people to accumulate your community services hours here. Please email us to sign up and we will contact you about the tasks.

8.      Sponsoring the event: If you would like to sponsor or volunteer to look for sponsors please contact us at

Other information:

Ping-Pong lovers:  please see attached flyer for a Sunday Junior League for table tennis.


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