Thursday, October 31, 2013

NWCS PTA weekly communications 10/23/2013

1.             2014年春节联欢会报名事项  Notes about registration for the 2014 Chinese New Year show
2.             春节联欢会征稿  Seeking input for the 2014 Chinese New Year show
3.             乐高班席位所剩无几 A few seats left for Lego classes registration
4.             免费讲座 Free seminars sponsored by PTA
5.             西华艺术团大型歌舞表演“水墨中华”
6.             家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty
7.             日程表 For your calendar
Shopping at benefits school PTA
Amazon has school reward program. Don’t forget to click on this link to Shop at! ONLY when you shop through this link, our school will earn 4-10% free money from Amazon to support programs for students and parents. So add the link to your favorites! The Amazon link is also on our school website at

2014年春节联欢会报名事项  Notes about registration for the 2014 Chinese New Year show
2014年的春节联欢会将于在22日下午在Northshore Performing Arts Center演出 (21日彩排).  PTA在此请各位老师、家长、同学积极参与联欢会的准备活动,创作和演出高水平的节目。我们特别鼓励并优先考虑和汉语相关的节目,但也欢迎歌舞、音乐、技艺等其它演艺项目。请在1130日前把你的节目报到pta@nwchinese.org报名资料请包括节目的中英文名称,型式、班级、演员名单、组织或联系人的电华和电邮、以及节目简介和所需时间,并把节目录象上传YouTube(private link only)并通知我们,以资评审现场评审将在127日和1214日进行。如有问题,请通过pta@nwchinese.org和我们联系。Important Information Regarding CNY Program Submission: 1) Please submit your program via  no later than 11/30/13.  2) Please list your program in both Chinese and English, including your class, name of the performer(s), Title and type of your program. 3) Please provide contact info of the program organizers.  4) Please provide program length in minutes, number of performers, and a short description of your program if possible.  5) Please provide video(YouTube private links only) of your program by 11/30. The onsite audition will be held on 12/7 and 12/14.  As stated in the last 2 announcements, the CNY performance date is on 2/2/14 afternoon and the rehearsal date is 2/1 at Northshore Performing Arts Center. We strongly encourage and will give priority consideration to high quality Chinese-language related programs. If you have any questions please email
春节联欢会征稿  Looking for input for the theme of 2014 Chinese New Year show
西 北中文学校的春节联欢会是我们所有老师家长学生的联欢会,是展现大家才能的一个窗口。我们在此请大家集思广益,为联欢会出主意。第一,请大家为晚会的主题 出主意,给它想一个题目。第二,请同学们,特别是美术班的同学们,为晚会的海报和门票设计一个和春节有关的图案。所有的稿件请在1130日前送,或送PTA 的办公桌。我们将选其中最有代表意义的作品。The NWCS Chinese New Year performance is a celebration by all teachers, parents, and students of the school, a showcase for our talents.  The PTA invites everyone to consider (1) making suggestions for a theme for the celebration, and (2) graphical designs for the event flyers and tickets by the students, especially students from the art classes.  We will select the most representative for this important occasion.  Please submit your entries by Nov 30, 2013 to, or to the PTA desk.
乐高班席位所剩无几  A few seats left for the Lego classes Registration
学动脑,玩乐高!以下是PTA部分赞助的不同年级的乐高班。为了达到最好效果,每班每堂课所收学生有限。这星期六开始到PTA处报名。记住啊,最先报名和交费的学生优先录取。Registration for Lego classes starts this week.  Space is limited, and is guaranteed only after fees are fully paid. Classes will be cancelled if the minimum attendance number is not reached. Registration fee is non-refundable.

1.   LEGO® Jr Engineer class (3-5th Grade) offers an integrated STEM curriculum including science, technology, engineering, math, as well as history, language arts, and team decision making to children using LEGO® bricks and motors.  This is a hands-on class where students will build and design with Legos and receive an introduction to levers, gears, pulleys and more using batteries and motors to bring their creations to life! 

Class size:             min 15 – max 24 students (5 seats left)
Dates:                    5 sessions from Nov 2nd – Dec 14th  (No schools on Nov 9th and 30th)
Time:                     11-12pm
Room:                    # 1114
Fee:                       $75

2.   LEGO® Jr Builder class (K-2nd Grade) offers an integrated STEM curriculum including science, technology, engineering, math, as well as history, language arts, and team decision making to children using LEGO® bricks.  This is a hands-on class where students will build and design with Lego bricks creating things from the world around them! 

Class size:             min 15 – max 24 students (1 seat left)
Dates:                    5 sessions from Nov 2nd – Dec 14th  (No schools on Nov 9th and 30th)
Time:                     12 – 1pm  
Room:                    # 1114
Fee:                       $75

免费讲座 Free seminars sponsored by PTA
免责声明所有参与投资理财演讲的家长,应考虑投资本身的风险性,斟酌决定自己投资的可能性。西北中文学校提供演讲的场地,核实主讲人公司和其公众演讲许可证明,对家长个人投资错误或演讲内容误差一概不负任何责任。Parents who participate financial planning seminars should evaluate his or her own risk tolerance level and possibility before doing any investments.  NWCS provides classrooms for presenters, review and confirm each presenter’s company and their approved public appearance. NWCS is not responsible for any individual investment loss or errors in presenter’s materials.

A.   美国房地产与金融大趋势  美国房地产市场走势一直都是大家关注的目标,许多人都会问,现在还是投资的好时机吗?我们在课堂上也会提供最新的数据及分析供大家分享。入秋后,联准会主席柏南奇卸任将进入倒数计时,在这个后柏南奇时代QE4将何去何从?这将牵动全球金融市场走向的重要因素,而我们该如何操作401kIRA以及其他的投资账户?我们将就现在美国联准会的政策,为大家做一个详实的解析,同时与大家分享如何在变幻莫测的市场中保护自己的资产.我们提供点心饮品,欢迎大家踊跃参加!

主讲:         Albert Chang
时间:         10/26/2013 12:30pm~1:30pm
地点:         Room # 140 in Washington Middle School, Seattle
B. 健康中医养生讲座修身养性 - 中年篇
养生注重的是日常生活中的各种细节。只有将养生的哲学和智慧渗透到日常生活, 才能达到良好 效果.。为了让我们的家长们在百忙之中也能更多了解养生之道, 我们专门请到了传统中医药专家苏毅文教授到我们学校为我们做一个怎样从祖国医学角度来修身养性的讲座。 苏教授拥有近30年海内外丰富的临床和教学经验。苏教授的讲座内容将包括:1.修身养性的概念; 2.祖国医学有关的基本理论-如阴阳,气血,脏腑,经络,精气神等; 3.中年期的共性与个性; 4.修炼身体-养生的重要原则: a.起居养生法; b.预防养生法; c.饮食养生法; d.体质养生法; 5.如何养性与永葆青春活力?
                        主讲:             Dr. Su
   时间:             10/26 from 11:00 – 12pm
   地点:             Room # 1201

C.  出最少的錢, 上最好的大學,子女成龍成鳳,父母輕輕鬆松! 想了解大学助学金及税务规划的最新动态和最新政策,
        请参加本周六西雅图侨报教育展Michael Chen的讲座 -  最专业的大学助学金及税务规划

主讲:             Michael Chen
时间:             10/26 from 1 – 3pm
地点:             Room # 1201  

票价: VIP $50.00  普通票: $25.00, $15.00
联络人:Eva Ma at (425) 649-9563 or Mr. Ren at (206) 718-7691
时间:1110,下午200 pm  and 晚上 630 pm 两场
地点:Meydenbauer  Convention Center  11100 NE 6th Street, Bellevue, WA 98004
家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty
The next classes for parent-on-duty are as follows:
           Oct 26             AM - K-B;  PM - 1C

Each class will need 2 parents for safety patrol, and 2 parents for the gift certificate sales.  AM refers to classes starting at 9am, and PM refers to classes starting at 12noon.  Please inform the parents of the specific duties and procedures.

Safety patrol  Safety patrol parents
must arrive before 8:45 for morning classes and before 11:45 for afternoon classes, and stay until about 30 minutes after classes begin.   The parents should get the safety patrol jackets from the principal's desk.  The duties include directing traffic  outside of the school building, and ensuring that students walk safely in the school premises. Gift certificate sales  Gift certificate sales parents can get the gift certificates from the accountant, Ms. Yi Qiufang at the admin desk.  Please remember to record the classes for which the certificates are purchases, because 5% of the proceeds go to the respective class funds.  Morning parents should stay until 10:50, and afternoon parents should stay until 1:30.

Please take a look at the overall
class duty calendar to know your class' scheduled date, and prepare to organize the parent duties about 2 weeks ahead of time. If you have any questions or your role has been transferred to other parents, please contact Li, Minggang at:

日程表  For your calendar  
02 Both LEGO classes start
09 No school – Ski Swap
30 No school - Thanksgiving
30 Final day to submit 2014 Chinese New Year performance program proposals

Important links:
Log your volunteer hours if your company pays for your volunteer hours Link to volunteer log 
For previous PTA announcements, please visit
NWCS school website:

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