Wednesday, February 13, 2013

NWCS PTA weekly communications 2/7/2013


1.   恭贺2013蛇年新春联欢会演出成功 What a successful show on last Sunday!
2.  三月乐高热详情 Sign up for any of the three LEGO classes
3.  法律讲座 Legal seminar (translator is provided)
4.   家长值勤安排 Parent-on-duty
5.   日程表 For your calendar 

2013蛇年新春联欢会圆满结束Tickets were sold out!
Special thanks to those who have contributed to the show!

“The best show ever from NWCS!” That’s the compliment we heard the most after the show. A three  months long preparation has paid off. Our audiences have been amazed by the hand selected 23 programs performed by NWCS students from Grade Pre-K to High school, their parents and our invited special guest-performers. We received so many applauds from the audience and saw so many hugs on the stage at the closing between the performers and volunteers. Everyone was super happy with the great success. I would like to share with you the excitement by showing you just a few feedback we received from emails, phone calls in the last few days after the event: “周日和家人朋友一起看了学校的演出,大家都非常喜欢。这场节目从整体规划构思,背景灯光等都方面都非常出色,而且绝大部分是学校孩子和家长的节目,真是了不起,可见组织者一定花了不少功夫.” “Yes, (Being a MC) this was so fun J I would gladly do it again (next year).”  “Thanks for the clear instructions and excellent coordination (for us performers) that made such a great show possible.”  中文学校的春晚越办越好.挺像个样子!“  “ 晚会后的那晚上,我班的演员们和老师都兴奋得睡不着觉. 这次晚会的主题想得真好,含义深刻,对我们这些家长和老师来说孩子的确是我们的未来.”  “Just want to let you know that my family went to see the show yesterday and we really like it! It's the best NWCS show ever! It's very well organized and directed with so many parents' and kids' quality programs on stage.
Congratulations!”  “节目单设计得很专业,有价值感.”“每个节目的服装都那么漂亮。小小的孩子们虽跳不齐,但也可爱极了.”  “It’s an outstanding show! Chinese kids are so talented. China is the future and we see that presented through the show tonight.”

Besides all the hard work from our children, their parents, and the teachers, the success also comes with great passion and tireless efforts from the volunteers. 认真热忱,无私贡献的义工是真正的幕后英雄!Without these true heroes behind the curtain, this show will not reach the standard we dare to dream. Please allow me, as the Chair of the CNY Committee, to give my heartfelt biggest THANKS to the following heroes who did excellent job from planning, rehearsing to the show onsite management: Rongrong Bian 卞荣荣for auditing, organizing the entire 23 programs, scheduling the rehearsal and coordinating with the backstage crew; Yan Zhang 张岩for planning and directing the backstage crew; Zheng Zhao 赵铮for researching and designing the back screen projection; Meiru Sun 孙梅茹for writing the MC content and coaching the four MC students; Lu He 何璐, Tony Yang 杨晓for artistic consulting; Minggang Li 李明刚for ticketing and volunteer recruiting & management; CNY Committee and Board members for overseeing the event and fundraising to cover the entire cost of the show. Under their leadership, I would like to give my big applause to the entire 17 backstage crew volunteers: Peng Chen, Yang Gao, Ben Hawkins, Jingsi He, Yongsheng Liu, Minggang Li, Gang Yang, Benjing Sun, Fujie Gao, Yan Li, Yuan Li, Weiye Zhang, Hailin Jiang, Shiyang Liu, Anjie Li, Melissa Zhang, Celine Chai; The ticketing crew: Xi Tang, Yan Li, Ping Deng, Zhen Feng, Hailin Jiang, Hongwei Wang; Ticket design: Yuan Li (student); MC students: Feng Gu, Hang Zhao, Cheng Shan, Xinyi Chen; Photography: Charlie Wang; Theater admission management and logistics: Dong Ma, Ronnie He, Jenny Liang, Peiyong Qin, Lucy Ni, Winnie Wong, Zhen Feng, Yunxin Qiu.

You guys rock!  You made us feel so proud of being part of the NWCS community! You are the role model for the rest of our parents and students who will be encouraged to be part of the volunteer team next year. 

最后祝大家蛇年大吉,全家康乐!Wishing all of you a very happy and healthy Chinese Lunar New Year!

Li (许励)

PTA & CNY Committee Chair

三月乐高热详情 Sign up at PTA desk for any of the three LEGO classes in March
Registration fee is non-refundable after this Saturday Feb 9th.
1.    For Grade K-1st: LEGO Jr Builder class from LEAP4Kidz™  offers an integrated STEM curriculum including science, technology, engineering, math, as well as history, language arts, and team decision making to children using LEGO® bricks. This is a hands-on class where students will build and design with Lego bricks creating things from the world around them!  Subjects are different from the Oct session.

Class size:       max 24 students (limited seats are available)
Dates:              March 9, 16, 23
Time:               11am – 12pm
Room#:           1113
Fee:                 $35 (same cost if attend less than 3 classes)

2.    For Grade 2 - 4th: LEGO Jr Engineer class from LEAP4Kidz™ offers an integrated STEM curriculum including science, technology, engineering, math, as well as history, language arts, and team decision making to children using LEGO® bricks and motors. This is a hands-on class where students will build and design with Legos and receive an introduction to levers, gears, pulleys and more using batteries and motors to bring their creations to life! Subjects are different from the Oct session.

Class size:       max 24 students (limited seats are available)
Dates:              March 9, 16, 23
Time:               12pm – 1pm
Room#:           1113
Fee:                 $35 (same cost if attend less than 3 classes)

3.    For Grade 5 – 8th: LEGO Robotics class from Play-Well. Learn about building and programming robots using the LEGO Mindstorms system and over 100,000 pieces of LEGO®!  Explore the many uses of touch, light, sound, and ultrasonic sensors with a robotic project of your own unique design. Program your robot to avoid obstacles, manipulate objects, and much more. Projects are structured so that students solve problems and have fun in an open-ended, investigative environment. Students work in pairs each week. The ability to work and troubleshoot with others is a required skill for this class. All required materials and laptops are provided each week.

Class size:       min 8 and max 12 students (limited seats are available)
Dates:              March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 & Apr 6th
Time:               12pm – 2pm (2 hours per class)
Room#:           1106
Fee:                 $170 (same cost if attend less than 6 classes)

法律讲座 Legal seminar (translation is provided for Q&A)
问答中英文翻译:黎秉伦Alan Lai 华盛顿州法庭认证翻译。民事法庭,刑事法庭,移民法庭翻译经验丰富。

第一系列:遗产规划法律 Estate (for heir) planning law (in English)
SpeakersStacey Romberg & Debbie Whitlock
TimeFeb 9th from 11-12pm
Room# 1201 steps away from the PTA desk

律师Stacey Romberg从业25年,擅长于财产规划、遗嘱检验和商业法。曾在华州律师协会举办的各类法律教育课程中、电视台、杂志、报纸上主讲或发表遗产规划知识,先后于2009年、2010年和2011年被西雅图杂志评为五星级财富管理专家。与她同台主讲的Debbie Whitlock 是电台的财务规划的主讲人。

The next classes for parent-on-duty are as follows:
            Feb 09             AM - 3A;  PM - 1D
coming up (new semester):
            Feb 16
           AM - 3F;  PM - 6D

Each class will need 2 parents for safety patrol, and 2 parents for the gift certificate sales.  AM refers to classes starting at 9am, and PM refers to classes starting at 12noon.  Please inform the parents of the specific duties and procedures.

Safety patrol  Safety patrol parents
must arrive before 8:45 for morning classes and before 11:45 for afternoon classes, and stay until about 30 minutes after classes begin.   The parents should get the safety patrol jackets from the principal's desk.  The duties include directing traffic  outside of the school building, and ensuring that students walk safely in the school premises.

Gift certificate sales  Gift certificate sales parents can get the gift certificates from the accountant, Ms. Xu Min at the admin desk.  Please remember to record the classes for which the certificates are purchases, because
5% of the proceeds go to the respective class funds.  Morning parents should stay until 10:50, and afternoon parents should stay until 1:30.

Please take a look at the overall class duty calendar to know your class' scheduled date, and prepare to organize the parent duties about 2 weeks ahead of time. If you have any questions or your role has been transferred to other parents, please contact Minggang Li at:

日程表  For your calendar 
09 First school day of Spring Semester. Legal seminar series start.
09 Don’t forget to sign up your child’s class. And, sign up free Parent-classes for Dance and Taiji.
09 Legal seminar series start.
23 No school: Mid-winter break
The month of LEGO fever! Don’t forget to sign up. Available seats are very limited.

Important links:
Click on this link Shop at! ONLY when you shop through this link, our school will earn 4-10% free money from Amazon.
Log your volunteer hours if your company pays for your volunteer hours
For previous PTA announcements, please visit


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