Monday, May 16, 2011

NWCS PTA Weekly Email 5/12/2011

Check out all NWCS PTA Weekly Email Archives on PTA Blog.

2011年学校大会及董事会选举  AGMM and Board Election

本年度西北中文学校的全校成员大会将于6410-12点于Newport High举行. 另外对于学校董事会的两个空额进行补选也将在同时进行. 具体信息已在本周一由董事会及选举委员会通过email向全校通知, 并且发布在学校主页上 ( 请注意阅读.
This year’s Annual General Member Meeting (AGMM) will be held at Newport High School on Saturday, June 4th from 10am to 12pm. Also, we’ll elect two more board members at the same time. The detailed information regarding these two events has been communicated school-wide through broadcast email from the board and CNE, and posted on the home page of school website (

年度野餐会  Annual School Picnic Updates
本年度的全校野餐会已确定于学校最后一天, 611日的下午3点至7, 于位于RedmondMarymoor Park举行. 大家一起在学校度过了一个学年, 这是一个和朋友们聊天, 放松, 游戏的好机会.
1.      餐会是pot-luck形式(学校会提供一些食物补充). 希望大家携带一些自家的菜和大家分享. 如有困难, 我们建议在餐会时在admin table适当捐献一点钱.
2.      我们在安排食物, 游戏, 及准备和整理方面都需要volunteer的帮忙. 请愿意为大家出力的各位和PTA联系, 或在下面的注册网页内标明.
3.      请准备参与餐会的家庭按à这里注册. 这有助于我们估计参与人数. 另外在该网页上也请注明是否会带菜及volunteer.
4.      我们欢迎赞助者的参与,可于餐会场地自设展台或发放公司礼品。感兴趣者请与PTA联系。

The Annual School Picnic will be held at Marymoor Park in Redmond, from 3pm to 7pm, 6/11. Everyone is welcome to join us and have fun.
1.      The picnic is in pot-luck form ( the school will also provide some food ). If not able to bring dishes, it’s recommended that you make small monetary donations at the admin table that day.
2.      Please contact PTA, or sign up on the registration page to indicate if you would like to volunteer.
3.      This is the --> REGISTRAION PAGE. Please click in and sign up here.
4.      We welcome sponsors to join our picnics. Please contact PTA if interested.

礼券销售:  Gift certificates
本学年很快就要结束了. 礼券销售只剩最后两周. 如果大家想买礼券为班级做贡献, 请尽快购买. 学校会配合尽快将款项转入班级, 以便各班能够在期末前用上.

It’s getting the end of the school year, and we’ll continue to sell gift certificate for two more weeks only. In order to let your class benefit from your contribution in time, please buy the gift certificates early.

中国护照及签证服务 – Chinese Passport and Visa Services
请注意本周本校没有签证服务. Please note that there’s no Chinese visa service at NWCS this week.

现有家长捐献双人旅游套餐票中国魅力江南八日游一套. 有兴趣获取该票的人请尽早与PTA联系.

Weekly Services -
1.    Parent-On-Duty:
This week (4/30/2011): AMclass 2B, PM: class 2C
Next time (5/7/2011): AM:  class 3E, PM: class 2D

2.    讲座 (PTA Seminars)
主题 (subject):  大萧条中的鍊金术(实战篇)
-    在万万税的国度中如何节税甚至合法避
-    股市中的东方不败-变额年金教战守则
-    定额年金解析
主讲 (speaker):       Albert Chang  
地点 (location):        Hall时间 (time):             9:30 – 10:50AM

主题 (subject):        发掘孩子潜能,促进早期儿童教育
主讲 (speaker):       董洁筠(Julie Ellington) 拥有华盛顿州教师资格,是具有二十年教学经验的资深教师。她将和大家一起探讨以下问题:
-    我的孩子是天才吗?
-    如何发掘孩子的潜能?
-    如何帮助孩子去发掘自己的潜能?
-    为什么要用科学的早期儿童教育法?
-    什么是新早期儿童教育目标?
地点 (location):        #1112教室
时间 (time):             11:00 – 12:00pm

主题 (subject):         家庭教育讲座系列
主讲 (speaker):       程远 教授
地点 (location):        #1111教室
时间 (time):             11:00 - 12:00pm

3.    NWCS Library:
Please come and check out movies and TV series, including Children's materials. We also have 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. Our library station is located next to the admin desk. The hours are from 9:30am to 12:30pm.  All proceeds go to NWCS PTA.

Please return library materials on time so others can enjoy them.

4.    Prize Station:
      Open from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm.

5.    Gift Certificates Sale:  
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (Next to Library).

The certificates for sale are:
At Bellevue main campus:  Jingjing, Ranch 99, Baijia.
At Seattle branch:  Jade Garden Restaurant, Harbor City Restaurant, and Dong Hing Market.



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