Friday, April 8, 2011

NWCS PTA Weekly Email 4/7/2011

捐助日本地震海啸的灾民  ( Help the people in Japan in earthquake and tsunami disaster )
319日和26日两个周六, 我们为捐助日本灾民所设立的捐款箱收到了总计$428的捐款. 该款项已经寄给US Red Cross. 这里我们衷心感谢所有献出爱心的同学和家长, 以及为此活动做出贡献的志愿者!
Over the two school days on 3/19 and 3/26, we collected $428 donation for Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief. The money has been mailed to US Red Cross. Many thanks to all donors who lend their helping hands to the people in the disaster. Also we appreciate the volunteers who spent time and efforts to make this fund-raising event a success.
如果您有心继续捐助,您可以支持Wylie Mao
Wylie Mao is a Shoreline student and a NWCS alumni. He started a fundraise event to sell T-shirt to raise money for Japan. This event was widely reported by King-5 TV.
If you would like to support this event and to order the "Keep Fighting, Japan" T-shirt, click on this link:

夏天, 旅行的季节到了  ( Summer time is travel time )

暑期将至, 不少家庭要开始做旅行的计划了. 之前学校AdminPTA已经陆续给大家了一些信息, 比如中国寻根之旅夏令营(见本周Admin email)以及南京大学海外青少年夏令营(PTA blog ).这里我们再给大家一些相关信息.
With summer break on the radar, it’s time for families to plan for the summer travel. There has been some information provided by school admin and PTA in the past few weeks (please see admin email and PTA blog). Here we have some more related information to share:

今年是辛亥百年. 中国大陆和台湾均有隆重的庆祝活动. 亚太文教基金会主办(西北中文学校协助)2011年国庆之旅, 九月底从西雅图出发, 先后在北京及台北渡过十一国庆及双十节. 此活动时间在学校的暑期之外, 但对于退休的长辈及无时间限制的家庭是个很好的回国及游览海峡两岸的时机.为获取较优惠的机票价格, 此行程需要在五月确定. 有兴趣的家庭请尽快email PTA询问详情.

中国签证服务 ( Chinese Visa Service )
Northwest Education Services is offering China visa services.  Visa applications can be collected from 12:15pm to 1:45pm in the PTA / Admin area on Saturdays during the Chinese school.  Visa service fee (cash or check) is $30 for a single application and $25 each for two or more applications.  Visa application fee (money order or cashier check) is made separately to the Chinese consulate.  Application form can be downloaded from  For more information or questions, please contact John at or at 425-698-5385.

中国护照服务 ( Chinese Passport Service )
其中Bellevue地址为Winters House, 2102 Bellevue Way S.E., Bellevue, WA 98004。此办公地点由Infolage 负责网上预约排号,网上预约时间从428日开始,网址:,联系人:John  Zheng, 联系邮箱

Weekly Services
1.    Parent-On-Duty:
This week (4/9/2011): AMclass K-A, PM: class 7C
Next time (4/16/2011): AM:  class AP Chinese, PM: class 8C

2.    讲座 (PTA Seminars)

主题 (subject):         Ivy admissions Workshop - How to get ready for college prep (especially into Ivy universities)
主讲 (speaker):       Yin Lu  
Yin Lu has worked at both the University of California, Los Angeles as well as Duke University where she has helped over 600+ students in planning both in academics and career. She has co-founded the educational consultant organization Achieve! in Seattle.
地点 (location):        #1112教室
时间 (time):             11:00 - 12:30pm

主题 (subject):         家庭教育讲座系列
主讲 (speaker):       程远 教授
地点 (location):        #1111教室
时间 (time):             11:00 - 12:00pm

3.    NWCS Library:
Please come and check out movies and TV series, including Children's materials. We also have 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. Our library station is located next to the admin desk. The hours are from 9:30am to 12:30pm.  All proceeds go to NWCS PTA.

Please return library materials on time so others can enjoy them.

4.    Prize Station:
      Open from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm.

5.    Gift Certificates Sale:  
Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk (Next to Library).

The certificates for sale are:
At Bellevue main campus:  Jingjing, Ranch 99, Baijia.
At Seattle branch:  Jade Garden Restaurant, Harbor City Restaurant, and Dong Hing Market.



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