Friday, December 10, 2010

NWCS PTA 12th Weekly Email, Fall 2010

PTA this week

1.      西北中文学校2011年春节活动

一年一度华人的最重大的节日,春节即将到来。如同以往学校和PTA届时将举办庆祝活动。 今年的活动的主旨是让学校的孩子们及大人们高高兴兴地娱乐, 并过个有中国特色的新年。我们会给大家一个表演的舞台, 并提供丰富有趣的游乐活动让大家玩得开心。我们会在稍后给大家一些细节。 目前, 我们鼓励各个班级, 团体或个人准备表演的节目,以在联欢会上一展才艺. 请向 报名。

另外,我们热诚召唤所有有兴趣和能力为组织这样一场活动出力的志愿者,尤其是在游戏及表演这两方面有指挥能力的人才。 请有意者毛遂自荐,和PTA联系。 组织活动需要方方面面的人力帮忙。我们上次的email已经收到一些家长的回应希望能够参与,这里我们再次给大家邀请。只要愿意为学校和孩子们的节日出一分力,我们都欢迎。

2011 NWCS Chinese New Year Celebration Event

The most important holiday, Spring Festival is approaching. As a tradition the school and PTA will organize a celebration event around the Chinese new year time. The goal of this year’s event is to let the students, teachers and parents have fun with Chinese culture experience. We’ll provide a stage for the students to demonstrate their talents, and plenty of party activities to entertain everyone.  We encourage all the classesgroups or individuals to prepare performance for the event To sign up please send emails to  We are calling volunteers to help in all aspects of preparing the event. Anyone who’s willing to help is welcomed. Please reply to the email and let us know. Also, we are particularly looking for talents and leadership in organizing two types of activities: games and performance. If you have the passion and capability in either of the category, please contact us.

2.  12/1112/18日学校举行学生书画展。
我们需要一些帮手来布置展板及搬桌子。 时间在早上9:30及下午2:30左右。另外我们邀请一到两位家长参与评价参展作品。请有意参与的家长尽早回email告知。

There will be a painting and calligraphy exhibit in school on 12/11 and 12/18. Well need some strong helping hands to set up the display boards and move some tables around at around 9:30am and 2:30pm. Well also invite one or two parents to participate the review of the art works. Please reply to this email if you would like to help.

3.  家庭教育讲座    ( Family Education Seminar )
Time11:00am~12:30pm  Room 1101

4.    NWCS Library-Please Come and Check Out Our New Collections
NWCS Library has recently purchased new Children's materials including DVDs and books. We also have the popular 英汉双解中文字典 for sale. There are also many movies and DVD series for our parents to rent, some of the older titles are for sale at a minimal fee. All proceeds go to NWCS PTA.  Our library station is located next to the admin desk. The hours are from 9:30am to 12:30pm.

5.  Parent-On-Duty:
This week: AMclass 7A, PM: class 5C
Next time: AM: class 3A, PM: class 2D

6.      The Prize Station will open from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm.
7.      Gift Certificates Sale:  Every Saturday from 9:10AM to 11:40AM and from 11:50AM to 1:40PM at PTA Desk(Next to Library).

Hailin Jiang


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